The Six Startling Similarities Between Donald Trump and Roman Emperor Nero

When history repeats itself: From Ancient Rome to the White House

Peter Preskar
Lessons from History


Former American president Donald Trump as Roman Emperor Nero (Image: Artstation/@Kate Oleska)

Former American president Donald Trump requires no introduction. Trump definitely left his mark on contemporary history.

On other hand, Roman Emperor Nero requires a bit of introduction. Unless you are a Roman history geek.

One of the lasting myths about Nero is that he set Rome on fire and played the lyre while watching his capital burn down.

There is an expression that Nero “fiddled while Rome burned.” The meaning of the expression is that Nero was an ineffectual leader in times of crisis.

Who was the Roman Emperor Nero?

Modern-day reconstruction of the face of Roman Emperor Nero (left) and his bust (right)
Modern-day reconstruction of the face of Roman Emperor Nero (left) and his bust (right) (Image:

Emperor Nero reigned almost 2,000 years ago from 54 AD to 68 AD. He was the fifth Roman emperor. He ruled the enormous Roman Empire. As an emperor, he held absolute power.

Nero came to power in 54 AD after his mother Agrippina the Younger fed her husband, Emperor Claudius, poisonous mushrooms. Claudius died and Nero became emperor.

