The Horrifying Murder of 16-Year-Old Suzanne Capper

Capper died after spending an entire week getting tortured by a group of people she trusted.

The True Historian
Lessons from History


Suzanne Capper | Photo Credits: Reddit

Coming from a broken home, Suzanne Capper was the kind of a girl who had never experienced love. She never knew her real father, and her mother left her when she got divorced. She used to live with her stepfather with her elder sister Michelle Capper. The people around her described Suzanne as a “high-spirited, well-mannered girl” who just wanted to be loved.

When Suzanne was 16 years old, in 1992, she started missing school. Her teachers described her attendance in school as “erratic”. Around this time, she started couch surfing at Jean Powell’s house, a 26-year-old woman with three kids living at Langworthy Road. Powell used to babysit Suzanne Capper when she was ten years old.

The House of Evil on Langworthy Road

Jean Powell’s home was a center for drug dealing, stolen cars trading, and sex parties. So, her house was frequented by a lot of people who enjoyed getting into trouble. Suzanne’s elder sister, Michelle Capper, had also lived with Jean Powell but had moved out after two months because of the criminal activities that went on around her house. Suzanne Capper’s stepfather John stated: “I tried to…



The True Historian
Lessons from History

Archivist, Historian, and Doctoral Student | Anti-Slavery Activist and DEI Advocate