Make a Difference While Becoming a Better Writer

If you like to read all sorts of stories and provide constructive feedback, you could be our new writing coach!

Eric Monk
Get Read!
2 min readOct 13, 2022


In case you haven’t heard about the publication Let Me Read Your Story before, let me start by introducing the concept: Anyone can submit a story for the waiting list to get feedback. The writing coaches of LMRYS then read the story and write a new story with thorough and systematic feedback. We have plenty of story submissions and we are looking for new writing coaches (or coaches in training).

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The concept of the publication benefits all parties. The authors are thrilled to finally get some thorough and honest feedback, and the writing coaches get exposure and get to hone their own writing skills. Not to mention another metered story.

As a writing coach, you get to make a difference for other writers, grow your following, and create a network of grateful writers. And your writing will be pushed to new heights!

The best way to learn is to teach — Eric Monk

When writing feedback stories, you will hone your own writing skills and will be provided with your own coaching from yours truly, Eric Monk, the creator of the publication. You will be supported in analyzing the submitted stories, how to provide constructive criticism, and also how to find your own voice when writing feedback stories.

You do not need to be a professional writer with years of experience to apply as you will be supported every step of the way. See this as an opportunity to grow your own skills while also making a huge positive difference for others.

If you want to become the next writing coach on the publication, please comment on this story and I will get back to you right away!

I can’t wait to work with you!

— Eric Monk



Eric Monk
Get Read!

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