Hard Fork and Upcoming VPN release

Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2019

March is turning out to be a great month for Lethean. This update explains why this is the case by providing an ETA on the full VPN client release for Windows, teasing further details on our most recent partnership, and documenting some changes made to our team to make us even stronger going forward.

Development corner

Since the last update, our development team worked very hard to ensure that the release of the hard fork and the implementation of CryptoNightR was successful. Our development team was driven to meet or beat Monero’s implementation date, and we did so successfully, hard forking to CryptoNightR approximately 10 hours before Monero. With this hard fork, you are required to update your wallet. You can find the new GUI wallet here and the CLI wallet here. If you would like to read more about the hard fork, you are welcome to do so by visiting our article here.

With the implementation of CryptoNightR complete, our development team is back to working on the VPN release. Our development team has been focusing their efforts on ensuring that the VPN release meets our deadline set for the end of the first quarter. At this time, we are on track to release the full VPN client for the Windows operating system on March 29, 2019. The developers have been working mostly on the Windows operating system, as Windows users make up the largest portion of users visiting our website and using our Browser VPN. Once the Windows VPN client has been completed, we will begin finalizing the Linux and MacOS clients. We will keep our community up to date on the development of the full VPN client for each platform as news becomes available.


Open marketing meeting

We wanted to say thank you to all of the members of our community that joined us in our open marketing meeting this past week. We had a lot of fun discussing our current goals, and we appreciate all of the questions that you asked. We look forward to having another open marketing meeting in the near future. As such, we will be sure to inform our community on when we intend to have our next open marketing meeting.


The contract with one of our recent partners has been signed, and we will be announcing the partnership next week. We will hint at the details of this partnership in the days to come. We have already dropped a few hints in our previous articles that you may or may not have noticed. These hints were very subtle, so you may want to revisit some of our more recent bi-monthly updates to look for clues. It may be hard to find where to look, but diligent detective work will reward you if you choose to employ it. We are very excited to share this new partnership with you, and we hope you have fun trying to decipher the clues before our official announcement!

New advisor

We have just added a new advisor to our team, Erica Stanford. Erica is the founder of Crypto Curry Club and the cofounder of CryptoCurrencySimplified.com. With eight years of experience in sales and marketing strategies, Erica is very experienced in terms of being able to simplify complicated topics down to something understandable by the common person. We are very excited to have such a well-informed and well-versed member of the cryptocurrency culture

Matt’s Departure

On Tuesday, March 5th, our Chief Strategy Officer, Matt, made the decision to leave the team. The decision was not an easy one for Matt. However, he knew that he would not be able to dedicate enough time to the project with his other responsibilities. We wish him the best in all his endeavors and we appreciate all the work that he has done for us.

With Matt’s departure, we now have an opening for the Chief Strategy Officer position. If you believe that you would be a good fit for this position, you are welcome to submit your application by visiting https://lethean.io/jobs/.


As always, you can contact Lethean via any of the social networks below.

Email: Contact@lethean.io




Telegram (community)

Telegram (announcements)









Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution. https://lethean.io/