Year-End Wrap-Up

Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2018

As a team, we would like to wish our entire community happy holidays and a wonderful new year. As the year comes to a close, we are focused on finalizing some key features that will allow us to start off the new year stronger than ever.

Dev corner

For the past few weeks, our development team has been focusing on implementing a new way to set up exit nodes. The previous way of setting up an exit node was cumbersome and could be confusing to some inexperienced users. For this reason, our development team has been working on creating a Docker image that will make the process of creating an exit node much more efficient. A Docker image is a file that contains a virtual container environment that allows users to install the exit node in multiple operating systems. With the details of how to create an exit node in a Docker image, it will make creating a exit node much more simple. In addition to creating a Docker image for easier exit node creation, our development team has been drafting code that will serve as the foundation for the full VPN client. While this may be the last update we publish in 2018, we are excited for 2019, as we will be publishing updates about the full VPN client’s development. If anyone needs assistance with the installation of an exit node, please feel free to reach out to us on Discord, Telegram, or our Zendesk support.

In other development-related news, we have recently released a paper wallet generator, which you can find here. Paper wallets allow for airtight storage of your Lethean until you are ready to spend it, and can be a great tool when it comes to keeping your coins safe. To learn a little more about paper wallets, you can read our press release about our paper wallet generator here.

Changes to the website

As of this week, Luis and our website development team have begun working on updating our website. These changes will include updates to our landing page to make it more visually appealing, and integrating native translations with a heavy focus on Chinese and Russian. These changes should make our landing page and website more visually appealing, easier to navigate, and create a better experience for non-native English speakers. We anticipate the implementation of the previously mentioned small changes early in 2019. These minor changes will be made prior to a larger website overhaul that will better represent our project and products in the first quarter of 2019.

Rebranding the Browser Extension

It has become clear to us that we were not effectively showcasing the abilities of our Browser Extension Proxy through its name. In line with that, we are moving away from the name “Browser Extension Proxy”, and will instead be renaming the extension to the Lethean Browser VPN. This will make our brand more recognizable, and showcase the abilities of the product that we have developed in a much more meaningful way. The rebrand of our Browser VPN will occur alongside our minor website changes and is set for early 2019.

Alex attends ASEAN Digital Assets Summit in Bangkok.

Our Chief Marketing Officer, Alex, visited the Asean Digital Asset summit on December 9th. During his time at the Digital Asset Summit, Alex spent time building relationships with other projects and people involved in the crypto space. As a team, we are always excited to be present at these summits and conferences because it presents an opportunity for us to network with a large number of people. In addition to networking, these summits are an opportunity for us to spread brand awareness. We are very happy that Alex was able to represent the Lethean Team, and we look forward to more opportunities like this in the future.

Lethean on Blockfolio Signal

We are proud to announce that we have been added to Blockfolio Signal. Blockfolio Signal will help our community members using the application keep up with the most important things happening with our project. We know how important it is for our community to stay up to date with the project, and this is why we are excited to be included on Blockfolio Signal’s platform. We were also recently able to have a meeting with the Blockfolio Team to learn more about the project, and we are very excited to begin using it. For those of you who will be using Blockfolio, we hope you are as excited as we are.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank our community for being with us throughout the year of 2018, and we cannot wait to see what the new year has in store for us. We look forward to updating you on future developments in 2019. We wish you all happy holidays and a wonderful new year.


The Lethean Team




Lethean combines Blockchain and VPN services into a powerful decentralized privacy solution.