An evening of genetically matched, colourful plates. With Yo! Sushi.

Simon Dean
Let’s Get DNAfit
Published in
4 min readFeb 15, 2019

Do you remember when sushi wasn’t served on small colourful plates, circulating a restaurant on a small conveyor belt?

Probably not.

That’s because, if you’re a Londoner, there’s pretty good chance your first encounter with raw fish would have been at a Yo! Sushi restaurant. There, a seemingly endless supply of cute little dishes pirouette between multicultural diners on our trendier streets. Cool, convenient, and quirky.

So, what next for the original innovators in the restaurant space? Genetically matched sushi plates of course.

Calm before the storm. Personalised menus await Yo! Sushi diners.

Genetically matched food. Is that a thing?

As 2018 was the year veganism broke into the mainstream, a new report looking at the future of food experience reveals the five food tribes to emerge in the next five to ten years. One of which, ‘Personalists’, is the future tribe that believe everything is bespoke to the individual.

These folk (myself included), embrace technology and science to track their wellness, and use data to feed their diet choices. We can also be referred to as “biohackers” — that’s cool too.

So, what should I be eating?

Five a day is a pretty good place to start, but what if, like me, you’re a late-30 year old and want to get the most out of your body while the going is good? A DNA test is the answer. See the summary of mine:

The genetics of Simon Dean. Ripe for sushi.

Knowledge is power: I’m not intolerant to lactose and coeliac disease is unlikely to bother me. However, if you float your eyes down to the bottom row of information, you’ll see that I need more antioxidants, Omega 3 and Vitamin D than my fellow neighbour. What’s more, I need to go nuts on cruciferous vegetables and avoid meats cooked at high temperatures.

In essence, this means that simply by setting foot inside a sushi restaurant, I’m doing myself a favour. Pink oily fish is packed full of Omega 3 and Vitamin D. Success.

So let’s head over to Yo! Sushi.

Yo! Dinner, Yo! Way

On Tuesday 12th Feb, DNAFit and Yo! Sushi joined forces to create 12 personalised menus of five dishes for esteemed members of the press. Each person had done their DNAFit genetic test in advance, and would be united with their results in the Tottenham Court Road Yo! Sushi restaurant.

Upon arrival, sake was served and guests were presented with their results, an overview menu, and five hand picked dishes, by the fair hand of our very own Amy Wells (Head Dietitian and Wellness Team Manager).

Amy Wells in full swing.

The best dishes for your genes

Here you can see the overview menu for people on DNAFit’s low carb menu (such as me). Essentially, the items marked with a green helix are those that I should chose more often than those without.

Are you best suited to a low carb diet? Fill up on the green helix’d items first.

A good time was had by all. Press comments included:

“Such a great idea and such delicious dishes from YO!”
Abigail Malbon, Cosmopolitan

“This is so interesting, loved being able to speak to the DNAFit dieticians too — was just enquiring about sugar intolerances!”
Charlotte Owen, Bustle

“I would have never normally chosen these dishes but they are delicious!”
Ikran Dahir, Buzzfeed

Roll on personalised nutrition

I have to say that I was more than happy with the food at Yo! Sushi. Moreover, I love that two of my favourite restaurants, Yo! Sushi and Vita Mojo are now thinking with genetics in mind.

Head here to read how Vita Mojo are getting into personalised nutrition and head here if you’re ready to the take the next step and buy your DNA test to get DNAFit.

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Simon is the Founder of
STANCE, a brand storytelling agency.



Simon Dean
Let’s Get DNAfit

Brand strategy. Creative thinking. Personal storytelling.