Collaboration Cards: putting the right conversation on the table

Richard Watkins
3 min readApr 23, 2017


We know we need to work together if we are going to engage with the complex problems we face — and there is nothing quite like the magic of a high performing collaborative team. But experience tells us that (in practice) collaboration isn’t easy, and can be an absolute nightmare.

I’m a lifelong collaborator so I know the ups and downs of trying to get things done in groups. But one of the things I’ve seen over and over again is the power of the right conversation to unlock performance. But how to identify the right conversations? That’s one of the things we do at Let’s Go with our training and consulting. But we are also committed to sharing this thinking more widely. That’s why we made our Collaboration Cards. They capture what we have learned — incorporating insights from psychologists, artists, sports coaches and business leaders.

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The purpose of the cards is to put the right conversations on the table, so teams can move towards their potential. First they outline the different dynamics of groups.

Then, they offer up the conversations you need to have.

We have been using them in a variety of settings, and getting some great feedback. They allow a leader or a group to quickly drill down to really practical conversations, but are held together in a coherent model. We are continuing to improve them with input from all over and currently are in an extended beta test.

EDIT: our Kickstarter campaign was successfully funded and you can now purchase the cards via

Richard Watkins is the founder of Let’s Go, a consulting practice that offers practical support for organisations who want to get better at collaboration.

We offer: inspiration and events; practical tools at scale (like the #CollaborationCards); training and leadership development; consulting.

Twitter @letsgorich and art projects at



Richard Watkins

Lifelong collaborator — founder @letsgohq — creative stuff — Camberwell