The Great Levana Primer

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
11 min readFeb 2, 2022

Welcome to Levana; We have dragons and cookies

(the cookies were a lie, an intern found this photo on a cool food blog)

Levana is the most ambitious DeFi/P2E/NFT project in all of crypto, and it is happening on the best blockchain with the most dedicated community: Terra.

Our goal is to bring on 100M new people into crypto and Defi by capturing the attention and imagination of gamers, collectors, and DeFi enthusiasts through storytelling and adventure.

The Story so Far

Our NFT mint was a fair launch meteor shower. It was the largest, most successful mint on Terra, with over 41,000 meteors created and more than 6,300 participants.

The meteors came in different groups of rarity: common, rare, ancient and legendary.

Today you can get a meteor from secondary markets like and

Many participants cracked their meteors in the cracking station. You too can crack meteors in the cracking station of your cave here:

Inside the meteors were either a dragon egg or magical meteor dust.

The eggs and dust, like the meteors, have varying degrees of rarity.

We desired a unifying metric to exist across all the different types of NFTs we produce, so we created a metric called Spirit Level. Spirit Level originated from donations to Levana during the original meteor shower.

This makes it easier to evaluate different NFTs within the world of Levana. Some NFTs have their Spirit Level revealed, and some need players to perform actions to reveal the Spirit Level [ex. meteors and eggs].

Some NFTs, like the Talisman, will earn Spirit Level based on the player’s actions over time.

At the moment, almost all P2E blockchain games (like DeFi Kingdom and Axie Infinity) are built on an AMM, which is a popular type of DeFi Exchange.

Levana is an evolving game experience built upon a perpetual swap, which has significant financial advantages to players over an AMM.

What is the story behind the game?

Our story takes place roughly 500 years in the future. Earth has been destroyed through war and pollution. Humanity’s last chance rests in your hands, as the descendants of the original Martian colony.

Dragons have appeared, which has disrupted the political landscape, and 4 factions have emerged. The Council, the Guardians, the Terrans, and the Free Martians.

The power of community

What attracted us to Terra was the algorithmic stable coin UST. What made us fall in love with the Terra ecosystem was the rich, engaged community. We are excited to invite NFT holders of blue chip Terran NFTs to join the adventure. The Levana community approved a governance vote to bring the Galactic Punk community into the game.

How to get started

Your Mission: Join the Faction War and play P2E mini games to bring points to your faction in the battle for the future of Dragons on Mars.

You may participate in the entire game to date, starting with cracking a meteor, or jump straight in and begin play in the Faction War (you will need a Terra wallet).

Short Version:

Step 1: Get a Talisman, either via an Airdrop (to your GP wallet address) or buy one from or

Make sure to withdraw it from the holding contract if you get it on Random Earth. To do that:

  1. Click on your wallet on the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click on My Items
  1. Click on the NFT you’d like to withdraw
  2. Click Withdraw

Step 2: Complete the initial quest for your Faction by beating Salim’s adventure

Step 3: Stake the Talisman and join a Faction (

Step 4: Join your Faction’s Discord Channel and follow their Twitter account:

Free Martians









The Council



Or play the whole game:

Step 1: Read the lore

Step 2: Get a few meteors (or simply skip ahead by purchasing an Egg)

Step 3: Crack your meteors (learn more at:

Step 4: Nest your egg

Step 5: Choose your Faction:

Step 6: Play Salim’s Side Scroll Adventure here:

Step 7: Join your Faction’s Discord Channel and follow their Twitter account


Is there a good video to watch to get started on the Faction War?

What is the relationship between Levana and Defi Kingdom?

Nothing formally, other than we are very impressed with the team, execution and product.

You can see more details of our thoughts on DFK here.

I bought an NFT, but I can’t see it on the Levana site. What now?

If you bought the NFT on, you will need to withdraw it from the holding contract on Random Earth. Just click on “My Account”, and withdraw it from there. See the instructions above.

I’m trying to complete a transaction, but it gives an error. What’s wrong?

It may be a transaction error; reload the page. Alternately it could be that you do not have enough UST or LUNA for gas fees. Gas fees on Terra are paid in UST; usually a matter of a few cents. Fees are paid in LUNA on Random Earth.

I’m new to Terra, how do I get a wallet and buy Luna or UST?

First thing is get a Terra wallet; you can download one from

or add the Terra station wallet as a Chrome browser extension. Once you have the wallet, you can get UST and/or Luna on several exchanges; Kukoin is a good one. You can also get Ethereum wrapped Luna on Coinbase (wLuna), but then you will need to unwrap it and bridge it to the Terra blockchain by going to

This costs gas, however, so we recommend getting your Terra assets on Kucoin.

Guide to bridging wrapped assets to Terra: Terra Bridge Tutorial: Bridge WLUNA From Ethereum To Terra!

Terra Station Wallet & Browser Extension Setup Guide

I’m trying to buy from Random Earth but it isn’t working. What else is needed?

You will need Luna in your wallet to purchase anything from Random Earth. There is also a small fee of UST.

What can I win by joining the Faction War?

The Faction War is a “choosing of sides” for many games to come.

For example, those who complete the Salim’s Adventure minigame win Levana dust (while supplies last), which can then be used for a variety of purposes in the Levana ecosystem, or you may sell it on secondary markets like or

By joining a faction you can level up your talisman, and have access to new adventures.

Can my Galactic Punk be my Levana Dragons Avatar?

Not yet, but we would like to see that.

What’s the difference between the different collections on the secondary markets?

Levana has several collections on the secondary markets:

  • Meteors (the first phase of the game) are found in 4 rarities: common, rare, ancient, and legendary. You may crack your meteor to reveal its contents at . They will either be dust or dragon eggs.
  • Dust (second phase), is found in 3 different rarities (common, rare, and ancient) and is currently used to nest your dragon eggs and eventually will be used to craft items and customize your baby dragons. Legendary dust may be found in any of the 3 rarities of meteors, which usually sell for higher prices on the markets.
  • Eggs (second phase), are also found in 4 rarities and are the first phase in the process of evolving into a dragon.
  • Dragons are a phase 3 collection. At this stage they consist of nested eggs (eggs combined with the correct composition of dust). You may go to to nest. Once you nest your egg, another NFT is minted: a Talisman, which you will find in your cave.
  • Talismans are the only Levana loot at this time, and more item types will be added to the loot collection as the game matures. Talismans are minted when dragon eggs are nested. There are four Talismans for the four factions.
  • The council (Green) are the current leader of mars — watch the promo video.
  • The guardians (Blue) are the policing force on Mars. They too have a recruitment video you can watch, here.
  • The Free Martians (Red) are the rebels, recruitment video here
  • The Terrans (Yellow) are the builders. (video in progress)

Why are nested eggs so much cheaper than un-nested eggs?

Nested eggs have already revealed their Talisman. The Talisman was minted and given to the holder who nested the egg. Un-nested eggs may be combined with meteor dust of matching composition in your cave to mint a Talisman. When minting a Talisman, there is a very small chance you will receive a Premier Role; these are leaders of the factions, and are selling for many more Luna than normal member Talismans. You can view the Talisman marketplace on Random Earth here.

What are the Punk Talisman?

The Punk Talismans were voted in by our community as an airdrop to all wallets holding Galactic Punks.

What are Premier talismans?

Premier Talismans are held by leaders of the factions; they enable their holders to complete certain tasks that normal members may be unable to; therefore quests will often require a premier’s input, or participation, to complete the quest.

Are there Premier Galactic Punk talismans?

Galactic punk holders have been airdropped a Punk Talisman to their wallet in order to participate in the Levana Faction War. There are no Premier Galactic Punk talismans, but there are Premier talismans available on Random Earth and Knowhere Art.

What’s next for Levana? Is there a roadmap?

The updated Levana roadmap may be found on the Levana website: Levana.Finance

The Faction War have just begun; this is the next phase of our gaming adventure experience. From there we have a roadmap that includes genetically modifying nested dragons to hatching and growing baby dragons to adulthood. On the DeFi leverage trading perpetual swap protocol, the Levana Leveraged Index tokens (LLI’s) will become available roughly 2 weeks after the launch of Mars protocol, starting with Luna2X.

The core DeFi product is a leveraged synthetic asset trading platform for perpetual swaps. In addition, the platform will enable the creation of tokenized leverage like Luna2X, and later, assets like Bitcoin2x or Ethereum2x.

Our goal is to own the entire crypto leverage market via cross chain settlement. Leveraged Luna is just the first step in an exciting roadmap including:

  • Leveraged assets of MIR, ANC, MARS, Pylon, Nebula and more
  • Leveraged baskets powered by Nebula
  • Cross chain tokenized leverage of BTC, ETH, and more
  • Tokenized Perpetual Swaps

I’ve heard Levana is a DeFi protocol. What’s with these NFTs and how does that work?

The Levana team is composed of sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure geeks. While building the exchange, we have seen similar protocols struggle with branding in an effort to set themselves apart. Therefore, we decided to trail-blaze the Terra NFT space in support of our vision to create our NFT project. We established an entire world of backstory and lore around dragons (leverage), dragon riders (leverage traders), and are building a strong community of dragon keepers who enable the platform. You can read more about the intersection of DeFi and entertainment in our DeF-itainment blog post; you can learn more about Levana in our introductory blog post as well.

What is the first DeFi Product Levana will release?

The Luna2x token will be released shortly after the launch of Mars Protocol on Terra

Where can I learn more about the Lore?

You can read the first 5 sections of the Lore here

Or learn more about it via this video with Climb Crypto

Will Levana have a token?

Yes, the LVN token will be airdropped to the community and may be earned via farming and participating in the Liquidity Bootstrapping event scheduled for March 2022.

Does having a Levana NFT mean I’ll get an airdrop of LVN tokens?

No information has yet been released as to the conditions needed to receive the airdrop of the LVN tokens. As soon as this information becomes available, it will be distributed through our social channels.

How many Talismans can I stake at a time?

You can stake 1 talisman per wallet.

What’s better, a dragon or a Talisman?

What’s better, chocolate, or double chocolate? Some things are so awesome you can’t compare. A dragon egg will allow you to customize and raise a dragon. A talisman will allow you to participate in the Faction War.

What if I don’t want to play games? Can I hire someone to play for me?

You will be able to hire someone to play games for you. We will be releasing an integrated scholarship program.

Can I play Salim’s Adventure game with Ledger? Why is there a UST fee?

Yes, Ledger support has been added to Salim’s Adventure. There is an extremely small UST fee because of the way that Ledger and Terra Station work together; to get them to play nicely we had to add the small fee.

I am stuck on Salim’s Adventure, is there a walkthrough?

How do I verify my Levana NFT in the Levana Discord to receive the NFT holder role?

We have a blog post with detailed instructions.

TL;DR: Once you join our discord account you go to the #verify channel and type /lunar-link to connect your wallet. You will then be given the role “NFT Holder” and have access to private channels.

In conclusion

Levana is an ambitious project with multiple teams and features. We aim to create a unique experience for a massive audience. We would love to hear your feedback or suggestions on how we can improve. Our DMs are always open.

Where to learn more

Read the story:

Join our Discord:




