Welcome LunaBulls to the World of Levana

Levana Dragon Rider
Levana Protocol
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2022

Levana stands for LEVerage ANy Asset”. It is a gamified DeFi protocol enclosed in a rich world of adventure, designed to bring the next 100 million users to crypto from the world of Web2. Levana is also a role-playing game, a video game, an NFT collection game, and a new token economic model called DeFi-tainment. The protocol is incubated by Delphi Labs, the team that worked on other projects like Perpetual Finance and Axie Infinity.

The Levana story takes place roughly 500 years in the future, on Mars during the second civil war on the planet. You represent humanity’s last chance for survival. Your mission is to choose a Faction, and help your team in a battle for the planet.

If you’re reading this, you probably received your first Levana Loot game piece, a LunaBull Talisman.

Each Talisman represents one of the 4 Levana Factions:

Learn more about the backstory and meaning of each faction here. Learn more about Levana’s DeFi protocol here.

There are a few things you can do with your Talisman:

  1. Stake it in the Faction War website
  2. Trade it on RandomEarth.io for a different faction Talisman
  3. Use it to play Salim’s Adventure
  4. Keep it in your wallet your and do nothing for now

Currently there are 3 types of Talismans

  • Premiers — Leaders of each Faction. 2% of the Talismans minted via Levana egg nesting are Premiers
  • Members — Talismans were created via Nesting Levana Eggs with magic meteor dust, and each contains a reference to the dragon it came from. There are only 8888 of these.
  • Punks, Styllars, and Luna Bulls — Talismans were airdropped to wallets that contain Galactic Punks, Styllar avatars and LunaBulls, so these strong NFT communities join the war.

Talismans are a special type of Levana Loot NFT which gain rarity and metadata over time based on how each Faction participant uses it.

To get started playing, we advise you do the following:

Step 1: Learn about the Story of Levana: the story of Zahava, a young Terran girl raised by Guardians and trained by the Council to become a future leader of Mars. After the arrival of Levana the Dragon, she left the Council to join the Free Martians in their quest to save humanity and Terraform Mars.

Step 2: Play the first Levana Mini Game, Salim’s Side Scroller Adventure (this will add points to the Faction you decide to join). There are prizes given out periodically to wallets that complete the game and have a Levana NFT in their wallet at the time of prize distribution.

Step 3: Decide which Faction you want to be a part of. Trade the Talisman you received for a more powerful Levana Member or Premier talisman, or swap for a different LunaBull Faction on the secondary market. Both RandomEarth.io and Knowhere.art host Levana NFT collections. (Remember to withdraw the NFT from the market, if you want to stake it, or hold it in your wallet.)

  1. Stake your Talisman
  2. Follow your Faction’s Twitter account
  3. Join the Levana Discord, and join your Faction’s Discord channel
  4. Read the Great Levana Primer

After staking your Talisman to your Faction, you’ll notice a countdown timer; when the timer ends, the War will begin. The first new quests will be revealed.

Or start at the beginning:

Step 1: Read the lore

Step 2: Get a few meteors (or simply skip ahead by purchasing an Egg)

Step 3: Crack your meteors https://meteors.levana.finance (learn more at: https://blog.levana.finance/recap-of-the-levana-meteor-shower-128919193f9b)

Step 4: Nest your egg https://blog.levana.finance/levana-egg-nesting-983de42b8546

Step 5: Choose your Faction: https://factions.levana.finance/

Step 6: Play Salim’s Side Scroll Adventure here: https://bit.ly/SalimsAdventure

Step 7: Learn more about the 4 Factions

Free Martians

Discord: https://discord.gg/NPAU9h3vZD

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Levana_FreeMars


Discord: https://discord.gg/AGqNwfcqZ3

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Levana_Terrans


Discord: https://discord.gg/SWSgNwUzfJ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Levana_Guardian

The Council

Discord: https://discord.gg/tdE64W6rHU

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Levana_Council

Learn more

Read the story: Levana Lore — Part 1 of 4

Blog: blog.levana.finance

Join our Discord: https://bit.ly/discordlevana

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Levana_protocol

Telegram: http://t.me/levanaprotocol

Blog: https://medium.com/@LevanaProtocol

