Use Your Upwork Connects Wisely — Stop Wasting Time & Money! 🤑🐦‍🔥

Asad Shahzad 🤓
Level Up Publication
5 min read1 day ago
upwork connects strategy —main-view
© Original — Upwork Connects Strategy

Have you ever wondered why some freelancers keep getting invited to projects on Upwork while others struggle to get noticed?

The difference is often hidden in how they use their Connects.

Upwork Connects are not just tokens; they are strategic tools that, when used wisely, can open doors to high-paying and long-term opportunities.

In this article, I’ll guide you through a detailed approach to maximizing your Connects, using insights from industry experts, personal experience, and proven strategies.

Whether you’re a beginner freelancer or an experienced professional, these tips will help you turn your Connects into a valuable asset for your freelance career.

First We Need to Understand… Why Connects Matter?

Connects are Upwork’s way of regulating the number of job proposals you can submit.

They essentially force you to prioritize quality over quantity.

But using Connects wisely requires a deep understanding of the platform’s ecosystem, including how client behavior affects the visibility and success of your proposals.

Think about it: you’re competing against freelancers globally, many of whom have similar skills.

So, when a job post receives 50+ proposals, how do you stand out?

The answer is that… targeting and strategic use of Connects.

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© Original — Upwork Job Post

According to Upwork Community Reports, the Upwork algorithm prioritizes proposals based on how relevant they are to the job post and the freelancer’s overall profile. Therefore, each Connect you spend should be an investment toward relevancy and visibility.

Wake-Up Call 🤯

I’ll be honest — when I started freelancing on Upwork, I went through Connects like candy.

I’d apply for every job that remotely fits my skill set, hoping for any kind of response.

After depleting all my Connects within a month with barely any replies, I realized I needed a better strategy.

The turning point came when I started analyzing which types of proposals were getting responses.

I discovered that jobs with fewer proposals and specific requirements yielded a higher success rate.

For example, instead of applying to a generic “Content Writer Needed” post with 30+ proposals, I targeted a “Content Writer for Health and Wellness Blog” post with only 10 proposals. This not only saved my Connects but also increased my chances of standing out.

Get Free Connects 😉

Want to save money on Connects? Here are some ways you can get free Connects without spending a dime:

  1. Complete Your Profile — Upwork rewards freelancers with free Connects for completing their profile to 100%. Make sure every section, including the portfolio and certifications, is filled out.
  2. Maintain a Rising Talent or Top-Rated Badge — Achieving and maintaining these badges can give you free Connects every month as a bonus.
  3. Respond to Invites Quickly — Upwork grants you free Connects for responding to client invites within 24 hours. Quick response not only builds client trust but also rewards you with Connects!

These methods, combined with strategic Connect usage, can help keep your Connect balance healthy and reduce overall costs.

Boosted Proposals — Right and Wrong Times 🤔

Boosting a proposal places it at the top of a client’s list, making it more likely to be seen.

But should you boost every proposal?

Not really.

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© Original — 1st Page of Job Post

Boosting is most effective in situations like:

  • High-budget projects that targeted perfectly with your skillset.
  • Low-competition posts where there are fewer than 15 proposals.
  • Responsive clients with a history of reviewing and replying to proposals quickly.

Remember, boosting costs additional Connects, so you need to reserve it for high-stake opportunities that you genuinely want to win.

For instance, boosting a proposal for a $60 project with 50 to 100 other applicants is a poor use of resources.

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© Original — Boosted Section of 1st Job Post

Proposal Blunders 😫

I’ve made plenty of mistakes that cost me Connects without any returns.

Avoid these common pitfalls:

  1. Applying Without Fully Understanding the Job Post — Skimming through a job post and missing critical details will make your proposal look careless.
  2. Generic Proposals — Copy-pasting the same proposal across different job posts is a recipe for failure. Each proposal should address the unique needs of the specific client.
  3. Ignoring Client Preferences — Some clients include specific instructions in the job post (e.g., using a particular word or format). Failing to follow these instructions shows a lack of attention to detail.

Upwork Million Dollar Proposal Strategy 🤯

Being mindful of these mistakes can instantly improve your success rate and make each Connect count.

It’s Time to Stand Out 🤑

New to freelancing? Don’t worry — you can still stand out. Here’s how:

  1. Start Small, Dream Big — Apply for entry-level jobs with fewer proposals. It’ll cost fewer Connects and give you a foot in the door.
  2. Highlight Certifications — Even free certifications like Google Analytics or HubSpot Content Marketing can add credibility to your profile.
  3. Show Confidence Without Overpromising — You may be new, but don’t undersell yourself. Clients want to see confidence, not arrogance. So, be clear about your strengths and where you can add value.

Is It Worth Paying for Connects…???

At some point, you’ll need to decide whether to pay for extra Connects.

My advice?

If you’re applying for high-value projects that have a solid chance of converting, then yes, it’s worth it.

For example, I once spent $15 on extra Connects in a month and landed a $500 project. The ROI (Return on Investment) was clear, and I didn’t regret it. But if you’re spending money on Connects for jobs with vague descriptions, low budgets, or overly competitive fields, then it’s probably not a good investment.

Final Thoughts 💭

Connects are a valuable resource that, when used correctly, can open doors to new opportunities and long-term projects.

Don’t forget that the key is not to apply to as many jobs as possible but to apply to the right ones.

Use Connects strategically, boost only when necessary, and always send personalized proposals that address the client’s specific needs.

Ready to transform your Upwork game?

Apply these strategies, make every Connect count, and watch your freelance career soar! 😉



Asad Shahzad 🤓
Level Up Publication

A dedicated learner, freelancer, researcher and writer :)