‘Free Palestine,’ on a section of the Israeli Apartheid Wall sealing the village of Bir Nabala from the main road to Jerusalem. Cropped from the photo used in the cover of Ramsey Hanhan’s book, Fugitive Dreams. (Photo by the author, 2013).
‘Free Palestine,’ on a section of the Israeli Apartheid Wall sealing the village of Bir Nabala from the main road to Jerusalem. Cropped from the photo used in the cover of Ramsey Hanhan’s book, Fugitive Dreams. (Photo by the author, 2013).


‘Free Palestine!’ What It Means To Me

Slogans and the power of language in shaping the psychology of liberation. How language elevates, or degrades, the struggle for freedom and justice.

Ramsey Hanhan 🇵🇸 🌍
Liberation Works
Published in
6 min readFeb 28, 2024


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To draw attention to the genocide in Gaza, a group of well-intentioned Palestine activists dropped a banner at the NBA all-star game on Feb. 17, 2024. Their choice of message left me exasperated. Out of all possible slogans, couldn’t they find anything better than ‘Let Gaza Live’? As a Palestinian activist who has been resisting oppression for decades, I have come to respect Edward Said’s lessons on “the power of words, and their capacity to liberate, or to oppress,” as I express in my book Fugitive Dreams.

“Learning how word choice was used to dominate, I grew to reject Israeli terminology, like calling a stolenment a “settlement”.”

— Ramsey Hanhan, Fugitive Dreams

People learn by repetition. Here, I ask what are we programming ourselves to believe when we reiterate each of three commonly-used slogans in the Palestine movement.



Ramsey Hanhan 🇵🇸 🌍
Liberation Works

Author. Tree spirit trapped in human form, I speak for the voiceless: children and the Earth, nature, justice, truth, freedom, love and Palestine. 🇵🇸 🌍