Munich Residence Museum Antiquarium brimming with great Paths of Deceit and the author smiling about the majesty of them.

Paths of Deceit

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
8 min readSep 12, 2019


The science of lies is a cognitive science and reaches throughout our lives. An interesting way to study lies is through paths of deceit. These are paths through our lives where the landscape of deceit changes because of the landscape left by others, the landscape shaped by others, and the landscape and effects on others that we ourselves make.

All out of our minds. The cognitive neuroscience of lies is in my book on the Internet Court of Lies, and articles on Medium about the science, fake news, and hate leading to violence. But everyone can understand paths of deceit because we all live them everyday. Babies know lying as young as a couple of years old, and unfortunates know lies in solitary confinement in prison. There is deceit, as long as we live and we all participate in deceit all the time. Paths of deceit, one deceit leading to another, are treks we take throughout our lives and our history.

Understanding paths of deceit provides a way of understanding the two types of lie: Fiat lies and Folk lies. We define a lie as an assertion that is not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Lies of omission are lies, just like lies of commission. A lie may not even be untrue if the whole truth has not been asserted. Lies are meant to deceive and do.

Fiat lies are lies where dialogue, questions and answers, and conversation about the lies or suspected…



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.