Tokopedia Care: Building Customer-Obsessed Culture Across Cities

Service Culture from the point of view of Tokopedia Care.

Muhammad Faiz Munandar
Life at Tokopedia
5 min readMar 18, 2020


As Tokopedia grows and develops, Tokopedia Care continues to help Tokopedia customers solve their problems. As one of Tokopedia’s service units, Tokopedia Care is inseparable from one of Tokopedia’s well-embedded three DNAs; Focus on Consumer DNA. It is not about Tokopedia’s DNA that is instilled in the mindset of Nakama, but also about the strong service culture that Tokopedia has formed. In turn, this has encouraged Nakama to continue to provide better service to Tokopedia’s customers every day. Through this article, we will share the concept of service culture and how it was created at Tokopedia Care.

The Importance of a Strong Service Culture

To implement an excellent service culture to customers, Tokopedia Care has founded its culture on Tokopedia’s DNA namely Focus on Consumer. This DNA which is also one of Tokopedia’s core values is based on four pillars abbreviated as FIRST. What does this stand for? Friendly, Proactive, Simple, and Trusted. These are the four values embedded in the mindset of every Nakama at Tokopedia Care to ensure a great experience for customers.

  1. Friendly itself means building the mindset that Nakama should treat the customer as if true friend or family member. So, if customers are facing problems, Nakama should show empathy and help the customer solve their problem, just like they would a family member.
  2. Proactive is an action encouraging Nakama to be aware of everything that happens around them. Also, the value of being proactive can be identified as the willingness of Nakama to go the extra-mile to help solve customer’s problems more quickly and in a more human way. On the other hand, this value also means proactively offering to help make customers’ lives easier and solve their problems, before they even notice there was an issue in the first place.
  3. Simple means being aware that solving customer’s problems should be done quickly.
  4. Trusted means that every Nakama should be a reliable and trustworthy person for customers as Tokopedia’s business is built on the value of trust.
(Image: Tokopedia Care Core Values and Service Vision Position)

To create an even more excellent customer experience, Tokopedia Care also owns its service vision that all Nakama should regard as the primary goal of Tokopedia Care. The vision of Tokopedia Care is:

“To become Toppers BESTFRIEND, who is reliable at any time to help solve problems, create opportunities, and grow together with Tokopedia.”

By understanding these core values and service vision, we believe that it will guide us to achieve our main goal and big mission to build the customer-obsessed culture. The customer-obsessed culture is one of the keys that will help Nakama to focus on giving excellent service for all Tokopedia customers.

Engaged All Nakama in Large-Scale

The Service Culture Team is responsible for socializing the core values and service vision to all Nakama. Currently, Nakama Tokopedia Care is divided into five offices in three cities: Jakarta, Semarang, and Yogyakarta. Those three cities have different socio-cultures, so the Service Culture Team needs different approaches to keep the Tokopedia Care service culture embedded in each Nakama.

This cultural socialization to all Nakama was wrapped up with fun activities — adjusted to the needs of each Tokopedia Care site, which was previously measured by the level of Nakama understanding of Tokopedia culture. So, the lowest value score will be the focus of the Service Culture Team to improve.

As the number of Nakama increases, the Service Culture Team’s task in maintaining this culture is also getting more significant. Therefore, the Service Culture team initiated to create a program to make Nakama Tokopedia Care as the right-hand man to carry out the oversight function of the Tokopedia Care culture in each Tokopedia Care office. This membership program is named Nakawan, which stands for Nakama and Kawan (Friend). Nakawan itself is expected to be a true friend for Nakama to preserve the values ​​and culture in Tokopedia Care.

(Image: Service Culture Team and Nakawan Yogyakarta)

Nakawan membership is open for all Nakama Tokopedia Care, both the customer service team, customer service leader, and the entire customer service support team. The Nakawan Program lasts for six months after Nakama Tokopedia Care was declared to be accepted as a Nakawan for a specified period. Every Nakawan, who has been chosen from each of their sites, will initiate an engagement activity to preserve Tokopedia Care culture, and of course, it is related to Tokopedia Care culture.

One of the engagement activities held is Tokopedia Care Culture Fair. This aims to reintroduce the importance of Tokopedia’s DNA, Tokopedia Care’s Core Value, and Tokopedia Care’s Service Vision. The event is also packed with a variety of games activities, such as compiling puzzle service vision and core value darts. To complete the fun activity, Tokopedia Care Culture Fair also offers bazaars from Tokopedia Official Store or Nakama who wants to sell their products.

(Image: Culture Fair Tokopedia Care Yogyakarta)
(Image: Service Culture booth at Tokopedia Tower)

Through these activities, we hope that each Nakama Tokopedia Care can interpret the Tokopedia Care service culture that is inseparable from Tokopedia DNA, Tokopedia Care Core Value, and Tokopedia Care Vision Service. With the establishment of a customer-obsessed culture, Tokopedia Care believes that every Nakama will be able to serve millions of Tokopedia customers like our own best friend.

