Easy Guide to Better Health Through Diet During Social Distancing

Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider
10 min readMar 25, 2020


Healthy Diet Hacks to Keep Your Body up and Running

Photo by Tina Dawson on Unsplash

It has been a week since you started working from home. As you tried your very best to coup with the new lifestyle, you began to feel stressed both emotionally and physically from a lack of exercise and usual healthy diet. Just when you were holding on to a thin thread of sanity, you saw your governor announced Federal Disaster Declaration for your state on national television. A more extreme measure of Shelter at Home Order was issued with more restrictions on your already challenged lifestyle. The life that you thought will be soon over will now last much longer than you thought. You asked yourself, “How do I keep my health up? How do I stay fit? How do I live through this crisis?”

For an individual to stay at a primal state, it takes a collaboration of both mind and body. In my previous article, How to Better Mind, Body, and Spirit, I have shared the importance and methods of strengthening one’s foundation by consistently keeping the mind and body at a peak condition. Now more than ever, everyone shall brace and prepare for the unknowns ahead. The life that we used to call normal has drastically changed since a month ago. Many of our daily routines have been impacted with closures of all non-essentials businesses, parks, and public areas. It is more…



Life Plus Up Podcast by Kevin Yang
Life Business Insider

For over 15 years, I have been a coach who is dedicated to help others achieving successes in the three core components of life: Personal, Finance, and Career.