What does an International Sales do?

李建璋 (John Lee)
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2023

Three years ago, as I scrolled through job listings on online jobs network, my heart was filled with a mix of bewilderment and uncertainty about the opportunities in foreign business. Fast forward to the present, and those feelings are still etched in my memory. Today, having matured in the realm of international business, I find myself in a position to be the guide I once wished for — a mentor sharing practical experiences to shed light on the nuances of the job.

What does an International Sales do?

The image above encapsulates the essence of this dynamic profession. Put simply, international sales revolves around sourcing clients globally and driving business performance. Take, for instance, the snapshot from a visit to a new client in Switzerland. Beyond merely introducing the company and its services, the crux lies in actively listening to their needs and feedback.

How is the Work Time allocated?

In dissecting the responsibilities, the job neatly falls into three primary components: cold calling, oversea business trip, and maintain customer relationship. However, the percentages are subject to variation based on industry nuances, company dynamics, and the developmental stage.

Cold Calling(50%)

The art of turning potential clients into actual clients demands significant time and strategizing. Whether it’s leveraging search engines like Google or social platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook, composing compelling development emails, making direct calls, or expanding networks through exhibitions and business meetings, the prospecting journey is inevitably punctuated by rejections. Yet, understanding the reasons behind those rejections becomes the focal point.

Far from a shot in the dark, cold calling involves systematic methods and strategies. Stay tuned for a forthcoming article where I delve into the intricate world of cold calling and share practical tips.

Oversea Business Trip(30%)

Strengthening prospecting efforts and successfully concluding deals often necessitate overseas business trips. Activities range from participating in exhibitions to client visits, with exhibitions proving to be one of the most effective ways to showcase company offerings. Curious about why attending exhibitions is paramount? Check out my article “Overseas Business Trips: Why Attend Exhibitions?” and stay tuned for insights into client visits in a future piece.

Maintain Customer Relationship(20%)

Post-prospecting and overseas ventures, maintaining customer relationships becomes paramount. This phase is about cultivating optimism for the future, ensuring that when clients advocate for our products and services, they not only reap reasonable profits but also generate additional value.

The most pragmatic way to sustain client relationships involves a continuous stream of mutually beneficial events, including incentive programs, promotions, and demo programs. A dedicated article on customer maintenance will follow, providing deeper insights into these activities.

Is International Sales Your Calling ?

By now, if you’re a recent graduate or contemplating a foray into this field, you’re likely pondering the question of suitability. Business, as they say, comes in myriad forms. Introverts can instill confidence through meticulous work, while the slow-to-warm-up individuals earn trust through genuine words and actions.

If the tantalizing prospect of international business intrigues you, beckoning for diverse experiences and learning opportunities, why not take the plunge? Stay tuned for more insights as we navigate the thrilling world of international business together.

