Life on Your Terms Newsletter

Elizabeth Bolton
Life on Your Terms.
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1 min readDec 15, 2019
Photo by on Unsplash

Hello all,

I hope you had a great holiday if you are in the US, and I hope everyone else is doing well also.

Sorry about missing last week, but we were off traveling, and things just got away from me.

I have some more of the satire to share — nothing like a Friday 13th at Christmas time to stir up some humor.

As always, here are some excellent choices for you. Remember that if you like something to clap for it to share it with more people.

Ode to Corn Bread Dressing:

Twas the Night Before Friday the 13th:

And on a more serious note: We must learn to stop being so offended and judgy

A few more from some friends of mine

Sometimes you need your “Beast Mode”:

Some people enjoy audio readings, here’s an easy guide to make your own:

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and gets all of their Christmas shopping done in advance.

Thanks for all of the support.




Elizabeth Bolton
Life on Your Terms.

I am a writer, vet, absolutely a geek, and now an aspiring artist as I learn to draw. I will write just about anything. Sometimes serious, generally satirical