
Grateful For Love & You

Rayna Pummel
1 min readFeb 27, 2022


Photo Credit- Riley Pummel Photography (left: Author Right:Soulmate)

There is nothing I love more

than your voice in the morning.

Except, maybe when your kiss lands on my lips without warning!

It might also be pretty equal too

how it feels to be in your arms,

or the warmth in my heart when waking up to you smiling!

There is nothing I’ve ever loved

that compares to your presence.

Not even the moon’s pull is as magnetic.

I don’t know of a comparison for the way you draw an entire room’s attention.

There is just something unique and wise about you

that goes without saying.

And your eyes,

the moment they locked on mine,

I knew this is what I’d been searching for but could never find.

There’s no coincidence or chance in our story.

This, us together,

was a clear cut case of destiny.

There is not a doubt in my mind,

Your touch, Your kiss, Your smile,

Your last name and the rest of our lives

were always meant to be.

You were always meant to be mine.

Write your response to the prompt for our last week of February! Thank you Sahil Patel your prompts and challenges are always inspiring and heart stirring!



Rayna Pummel

A Recovering Addict, Mother of 2, 27 year old ♒ This is my experience, strength, and truth about my journey to untangling my mind.