Pub Crawl Announcement

If you’re going to steal…steal from the best

2 min readJun 28, 2021


Photo by By Daria Sannikova from Canva

On June 30th Lighthouse will be taking part in the first of what is hopefully many Pub Crawls.

What is a Pub Crawl, you ask?

I’m going to blatantly steal Eric Pierce’s explanation. If you haven’t checked out Eric’s amazingly fantastic publication FanFare, please do so!

Take it away Eric!

Pub Crawl Announcement

A few months back, Age of Empathy’s editor supreme and all-around cool chick Aimée Gramblin (lol I think I mentioned Aimee like 4 times in this newsletter — what can I say, I’m a fan) sent out an AoE newsletter asking if any other publication owners would be interested in collaborating. I think she was also looking to commiserate and compare notes. The pub game is lonely and it’s hard to measure if you are making real progress or just treading water. There are no rules or guidelines for what we do — we just sorta try stuff and see what sticks.

This is like that.

Pub Crawl is what happens with a bunch of editors socialize remotely because we can’t gather at a bar. The goal is pretty straightforward: drive more people to our publications. The execution is what’s unique, and something I’ve not seen since I started writing here in 2019.

How it works

  • Each month, the participating pubs will choose a broad topic that applies to each of our pubs.
  • Everyone that wants to participate can send in a story on that topic and with the same tag, following that pub’s typical guidelines.
  • Writers are encouraged to link directly to other stories in the crawl that inspires them or they find interesting.
  • The crawl runs within a set period, probably a month.

Since this is still mostly just a proof of concept, we aren’t opening the initial Pub Crawl to submissions. This first go-around will be published June 30th on the topic: Something That Seemed Awful But Turned Out Great. Each of the participating editors will publish a related story. Then we’ll regroup and evaluate how well it worked, what to change, and if this is something to continue. Assuming it is, we’ll announce the next topic and submission dates for all our wonderful writers — that’s you guys!

We’re excited to try this experiment and hope this results in everyone growing their readership. If you have questions, reach out to your editor. :)

Participating Pubs & Editors

If you are a publication owner and are interested in joining our group of super-friends, contact one of the people listed above.




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