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Lightspeed India
Lightspeed India
Tomorrow, built today.
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The Inventory vs. Marketplace Model Debate

[Also published on VCCircle]

There has recently been increased discussion, and mainstream press reporting, on the adoption of a ‘marketplace’ model (vs. an inventory model) by e-commerce companies (e.g. these two articles in Mint…

Video: Arun Sirdeshmukh of Fashionara

Arun Sirdeshmukh, founder/CEO of Lightspeed-backed Fashionara spoke at Asia Retail Congress. Here’s the video!


Measure Customer Loyalty: Your Business Depends on It

(Source: MervC)

[Published in Pluggd.in]

I am speaking at IAMAI’s conference on Digital Commerce later this week in Mumbai. I thought I would put down a few thoughts here that I believe…