Messi’c, Music; the list.

Astral Bricks
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2 min readFeb 11, 2015


Disclosure & Friend Within — The Mechanism
//^Get Started.^

// I don’t want it to end every time.

Bassnectar — Basshead — TimeStretch

Con-TEXT-you,all Concepts

// … Just wait for it.
//The Choir.

Benga & Coki — Diary of an Afro Warrior — Night

Concepts With Textural Comparison

Language is // Code
is //
Which styles do you prefer to get your thoughts // desires // imaginations, dreams // commands across in?

Fu Manchu (140 Dubstep) — Drumsound & Bassline Smith

// dizzying snappy hits

DJ Hazard — Trouble Makers

//Do you think that
Armin van Buuren — Ping Pong (Official Music Video)
//was inspired by BassNectar 2012 ?

//Seemingly Advanced Monkies
Writing their Names
on the
Energetic Halls of Time;
ephemery, of the minds
LED canvasses
seemingly advanced
converging across space and time and ideological inquiries
of the distraction
seeking minds.

// I wish that it’s us from the future … those UFO’s … coming back to adjust a few things … that we actually make it as a species to some ‘higher form’ {Read: incredible Bio-supercomputer of compassion} of sentient life.

//Language is Code,
and Culture is Context:
How do we deliver and to who?

//How do you grow a “good” computer? — EpiJen Etic knows

//What defines good? There are a lot of contexts, and who are we to decide //what types of things would be best suited for an unstable and //unpredictable future environment … mother nature picks herself through //time.
// Anxiety of Survival, competition for desire.

//Pace Change … Hold on

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{So fucking Glad I’ve repeatedly done the same task over and over for to selectively choose when it embeds … “Paste Link … Press Enter” … 10 x each fucking one … the ones that ‘took’ … shit save & publish … edit again. FuckTards} <<—|< [a Tourette]< — ruining the single reader-ship.

//See… The Problem
// Just How Intelligently Advanced are these
//systemic bio-programs?

Such Chaos in the data

are our eyes clear?

//Envi-RonMental Engineering

