LikeCoin Progress Update 2021.07.19

Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing
3 min readJul 22, 2021

Exciting week to kick off the chain upgrade process! Public testnet for the sheungwan-fotan upgrade is now online. Product team also launched the first metadata registry prototype. You can also register Liker ID with Keplr wallet!

LikeCoin chain statistics‌

(Difference from 2021.07.05)

Block Explorer:


LikeCoin chain updates

  • Public testnet for the sheungwan-fotan upgrade is now online
  • Will initiate testnet upgrade within 2 weeks
  • Working on mainnet upgrade procedure
  • Working on research of integrating NFT with ISCN
  • Fixed an issue where /txs endpoint would return 500 or outdated data in random occasions
  • Published two introduction articles about chain upgrade. Chinese versions can be found on Matters. (The Metadata Registry)

  • UX/UI design completed. View the prototype here.
  • Started working on MVP of Finished integration with Keplr and ISCN message type support.
  • Added EXIF library for creative work type identification.
  • Will continue to work on IPFS and Arweave support.
  • Updating libraries from Lunie to native cosmos/cosmjs to prepare for chain upgrading to Cosmos Stargate. preview

Civic Liker (Creator Subscription Plan)

  • Released Civic Liker Classic subscription. Likers can join the subscription for USD 5/per month, the rewards will be distributed when you give Like Like via the LikeCoin button. For old users who have been subscribing to the Civic Liker 1.0 will be automatically updated to the Civic Liker Classic.
  • Likers can now subscribe to Civic Liker (for supporting individual creators) and Civic Liker Classic simultaneously.
  • Launched Civic Liker Dashboard page to aggregate all configuration features for Civic Liker.
  • The number of new Civic Liker registration keeps boosting by supporters of Civic Media. The past two week's acquisition is 153. The current total number of Civic Liker is 1852.


  • Setup an npm library for ISCN message type with cosmjs or other JavaScript libraries in the future.
  • Users can now register Liker ID with Keplr wallet @chainapsis
  • Participated in Desmos testnet upgrade as a validator.
  • Published an article about metadata, which is the focus of ISCN.

This update is bought to you by the Liker Land team.

JoshKIU (UX Designer), Wei (Full Stack Developer), William (Full Stack Developer), David (Frontend Lead), Shelly (Liker Land, Full Stack Developer)
Edmond (Liker Land, Operation), Phoebe (Liker Land, Business Development)
Daisy (Community volunteer)

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Phoebe Poon
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing

Core team @LikeCoin | Transforming the content industry through decentralized publishing. #DePub