“Reinventing the Like” campaign beta 2 — Wrap Up

There are 51 WordPress websites which have installed the LikeButton, 80% out of the total are Chinese sites. The writer who earns the most has earned 31,500 LikeCoin (LIKE).

Edmond Yu
LikeCoin — Decentralize Publishing


The 12-day campaign has been finished. There are 216 participants, created 1,655 articles, got 51,333 Likes. The foundation has given away 362,400 LIKE in this campaign, and has given out 739,800 LIKE in total to reward creators since Jul 6.

Reviewing the Path

The campaigns we conducted in the pass two months aim to let the creators and the readers to experience how the “reinvented LikeButton” goes.

From a big platform to individuals

We showed the LikeButton concepts on Medium in phase 1 and 2, as there are many creators and readers and Medium supports to develop the LikeButton UI via embed.ly. In phase 3, however, LikeButton further supports individual WordPress based websites, which covers 30% of content websites in the world, in order to facilitate a more diversified, independent, and liberate creative ecosystem.

Readers to take a more important part

LikeWidget, rolled out in phase 1, is just a creator’s name badge supporting LIKE transfer function. The main dish is the LikeButton in phase 2 to connect the readers and the creators. As stated in the LikeCoin white paper, the reinvented LikeButton is for rewarding content creators by Proof of Creativity mechanism.

The path of LikeCoin community in the past two months

“Mining” by Content

When we talk about a WordPress plugin for “mining”, someone may associate with those malwares which steal the client’s computational power via browsers to “mine coins”.

It is a HUGE misunderstanding!

LikeCoin’s way of “mining” is related to readers’ Likes, and the LikeRank algorithm to be developed — we call it “Proof of Creativity”. It is nothing to do with the client’s computational power.

We will keep promoting this brand new idea to the public.

The reinvented LikeButton to connect readers and creators and turn Likes into reward

Next Campaign is About to Start

We will announce the news about the next campaign in a few days. Don’t stop your innovation, as the Likes you get from now till the beginning of the next campaign will surely be count for reward.

Stay tuned.

Related links: WordPress Plugin to Turn "Likes" into incomeMining beta2 starts
About LikeCoin
LikeCoin is a protocol on blockchain. With a reinvented Like button and our unique LikeRank algorithm, we trace content footprint and reward content creators by Proof of Creativity mechanism.

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