Part 23 : Orthonormal Vectors, Orthogonal Matrices and Hadamard Matrix

Linear Algebra
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4 min readAug 18, 2019

Two vector x and y are orthogonal if they are perpendicular to each other i.e. their dot product is 0.

Orthonormal Vectors

If vector x and vector y are also unit vectors then they are orthonormal.

To summarize, for a set of vectors to be orthogonal :

  1. They should be mutually perpendicular to each other (subtended at an angle of 90 degrees with each other).

For a set of vectors to be orthonormal :

  1. They should be unit vectors.
  2. They should be orthogonal.

Property of orthonormal vector

Assuming vectors q1, q2, q3, ……., qn are orthonormal vectors. Then

For values of i and j in range 1 to n


The dot product of an orthonormal vector with its transpose is equal to 1. But dot product with transpose of some other vector is equal to 0.

Orthonormal Basis

A set of orthonormal vectors is an orthonormal set and the basis formed from it is an orthonormal basis.


The set of all linearly independent orthonormal vectors is an orthonormal basis.

Orthogonal Matrix

A square matrix whose columns (and rows) are orthonormal vectors is an orthogonal matrix.

In other words, a square matrix whose column vectors (and row vectors) are mutually perpendicular (and have magnitude equal to 1) will be an orthogonal matrix.

If matrix Q has n rows then it is an orthogonal matrix (as vectors q1, q2, q3, …, qn are assumed to be orthonormal earlier)

Properties of Orthogonal Matrix

  1. An orthogonal matrix multiplied with its transpose is equal to the identity matrix.
Here we are using the property of orthonormal vectors discussed above

2. Transpose and the inverse of an orthonormal matrix are equal.

For any square matrix, we know that

See Inverses

and from the first property, we know that

so we can conclude from both the facts that

3. The determinant of an orthogonal matrix has value +1 or -1.

To verify this, lets find the determinant of square of an orthogonal matrix

Using the second property of orthogonal matrices

So if


As square root of 1 is either 1 or (-1)

Solving a system of linear equation containing Orthogonal matrix

Say we have to find the solution (vector x) from the following equation

Matrix A is the coefficient matrix and matrix b is the constant matrix

We have done this earlier using Gaussian elimination. But if matrix A is orthogonal and we multiply transpose of matrix A on both sides we get

Applied first property of orthogonal matrices

Instead of performing Gaussian elimination you can just multiply transpose of coefficient matrix with constant matrix and get the solution.

Hadamard Matrix

A square matrix whose column (and row) vectors are orthogonal (not necessarily orthonormal) and its elements are only 1 or -1 is a Hadamard Matrix named after French mathematician Jacques Hadamard.

Matrix H is a Hadamard Matrix

Hadamard matrices are used in signal processing and statistics.


Lecture 17 | MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra, Spring 2005

Jacques Hadamard

Read Part 24 : Diagonalization and Similarity of Matrices

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