Drip campaign: how to promote a webinar in LinkedIn using Linked Helper

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
6 min readApr 22, 2018

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here https://www.linkedhelper.com/

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here https://linkedhelper.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

Linked Helper has various functions to help you achieve complex tasks. In this article we’ll look at how you can set up a drip campaign with a sequence of messages to go out at specific intervals of time. We’ll see what steps it involves and how we can avoid common problems, such as duplicate messages, etc.


Steve is an experienced business coach who is giving a webinar on Business Results in 2 weeks. The webinar takes place on the 17th of April (Tuesday) To promote the webinar in LinkedIn, he wants to set up a campaign like this one:

Example of a drip campaign in Linked Helper

This task is achievable with several functions in Linked Helper:

· Collect, Select and Invite 2nd and 3rd

· Message to Recently Added

· Message Broadcast to 1st connections

· Lists Manager functionality

Now let us look at every step of the process.

Step 1. Invite people

Steve has recently posted an article about Business Results and it collected 1000+ likes. Wow!

These people could be interested in attending the webinar. But some of them are not his 1st level connections yet. To be able to send them messages, Steve needs to invite them first.

· Go to “Collect, Select and Invite 2nd and 3rd”

· Create a new list and name it “Article_1 april_likes

· Click “Add likers to LH” button next to the likes counter.

· Choose our list and click “Add to List” button

Linked Helper will pull all “likers’ into the queue, skipping 1st level connections:

Collecting “likers” into the list

Steve ended up having 698 people in the list (2nd and 3rd level)

Remember that there are different ways you can collect people into lists. Besides collecting “likers” and “commentators” you can:

  1. Upload your own list of profile URLs into a LH function
  2. Search people in LinkedIn by criteria and collect from the search page
  3. Collect from ‘group members” page
  4. Collect from “Who viewed your profile” page
  5. Collect from “Alumni” page

Given the recommended daily limit of 100 invitations per day, Steve is going to spend the next week inviting them. (In fact, Linked Helper will be doing it for him)

Don’t forget to set your message, your campaign parameters, switch on SAFE timeouts (to avoid too high activity) and hit “Start” button.

Watch our tutorial for “Collect, Select and Invite” function here.

Step 2. Follow-up message to newly added

This function can be set alongside with the inviting campaign. No need to wait for a week before all invitations have been sent:

· Drag down Chrome tab to start a new Chrome window or click on the 3-dots icon in the upper right corner of the page and choose “new window”

· In Linked Helper go to “Message to Recently Added contacts”

· Choose our list “Article_1 april_likes

· Set your auto-reply “Hi, {firstname}. It’s good to connect. LinkedIn is all about helping each other grow. I’d like to invite you to my Webinar on Business Results which takes place on 17th of April at 08.00 am.”

· And click “Run Auto-responder”

As people accept Steve’s invitation, Linked Helper will be sending them a follow-up message. Watch the full tutorial on using auto-responder function here.

Step 3. Second message: Fuel interest in the webinar!

In a week’s time Steve’s network has grown with new people from various backgrounds who joined him. Out of 698 people invited, he got 300 new connections. Now he wants to send them another teaser about the webinar to generate more interest in the event.

· Go to Message Broadcast to 1st connections

· Create a new list “Webinar April_m2

· Open Lists manager

The Source and Target tabs would have:

Click “Add (excluding contacts from all target sub-lists).

After you’ve completed this messaging campaign, don’t forget to export your list into a csv file. We will need it in the next step:

Go to Recipients tab

Open “View collected” — sublist “Processed Recipients”

Click “Select all” and “Download selected”

Step 4. Customize your list!

Out of 300 first connections whom Steve invited to his workshop, at least some of them have registered, the others haven’t yet.

In the excel list that we exported in the previous step Steve carefully marks all folks who registered yellow.

Step 5: Third Message: Reminder

At this point Steve needs to send those 2 groups of people a completely different message

That’s why in “Message broadcast to 1st connections” we need to create two separate campaigns (lists):

  • Webinar registered_m3
  • Webinar NOT registered_m3

Each of the campaigns has its own message:

Now let’s populate each campaign with the right people!

Steve has been accurately marking in the Excel sheet all those who registered for his webinar.

All he needs to do now is to use Color Filter in excel, right mouse click on yellow Profile URLs and copy them.

Choose the list “Webinar_registered_m3”, go to Recipients tab and click “View collected”

Then choose “Upload profile URLs”

In the popup window that appears right-mouse click “Paste” and click import button. You will now have populated the queue with profile URLs of registered users.

Do the same for the list “Webinar_NOT registered_m3”, but this time upload the links of not registered users.

How to schedule campaign for a certain hour?

As you remember, the webinar starts on the 17th of April. The last reminder message needs to go out precisely 2 days before the webinar.

In the Broadcast tab you need to click “SCHEDULE FOR THIS TAB”, choose the appropriate date & time and click “Schedule”.

Don’t forget!

  1. When you campaign is under way, make sure to keep the tab active at all times or work in a separate Chrome window, do not shut down your computer
  2. Message to Recently added: if you invited someone and that person replied to you with something like “Hi Steve, my pleasure to connect with you”, the auto-responder will SKIP that person. Make sure you preview and check your lists in View Collected
  3. Use SAFE TIMEOUTS to keep your profile activity within safe limits

Download Linked Helper — LinkedIn Automation tool from our website

Write me your questions & ideas : info@linkedhelper.com

Check our web-site : http://linkedhelper.com/

