Collect, Select & Invite 2nd & 3rd LinkedIn connections

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2017

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Hello! Linked Helper allows you automatically invite or connect your 2nd & 3rd LinkedIn connections in two modes:

  1. Set search filters in LinkedIn search page and invite (connect) all contacts, who match your filters. Please, read here how it works. (deprecated function)
  2. Set search filters in LinkedIn search page, collect them, check collected list and then send invites. This article describes how to do this.

We will go through this simple process step by step:

  1. Open “Collect, Select & Invite 2nd contacts” settings:

2. (Optional) create new list to collect contacts for inviting:

3. Type name & click Create:

Bare in mind, that list is a set of Inviting Queue, Invited, Excluded List and invitation template.

4. Then go to LinedIn search page or LinkedIn Sales Navigator search page, then set filter Relationship 2nd (and/or 3rd) connections and another filters:

5. Click “Collect contacts for inviting”

6. Linked Helper will go through search results and pull contacts into Inviting Queue.

7. To check collected recipients click “View collected”:

8. If you want to exclude somebody from Inviting Queue, just select these contacts by clicking checkboxes and then click “Move selected to Excluded List”

9. You can preview invitation message for each contact by clicking “Show message” buttons:

10. You can check list of Invited contacts by clicking tab “Invited”:

11. Then close this widget by clicking “Close” button and go to “Message” tab:

12. Set an invitation message template using {firstname}, {lastname}, {company} & {position} variables. They will be replaced by real recipient first name & last name, company name & position / title. And click “Save Template” button.

13. Unfortunately company & position not always can be recognised. Inthis case defaults values for this variables:

14. Then go to “Invite” tab and click “Start profiles inviting”:

15. Linked Helper invites contacts in a number of iterations.

Property <Invite per period> sets maximum number of people to be invited in one iteration.

Property <Hours between periods> sets timeout between two iterations.

After timeout, Linked Helper will continue its work automatically.

Please: check recommended limits here :

16. Contacts, which were invited through general LinkedIn (not through Sales Navigator) can be exported into CSV file.

By default CSV file will be created compatible with Google Sheets, but you can switch to MS Excel format (not recommend for profiles in other languages).

If you collected profiles, which have text in other languages, and you want to export them to Excel, you have two options:

  1. Export to Google Sheet and then to Excel from Google Sheet
  2. Export in MS Excel format and use instruction from this link


You will get file with these fields:

'Full name',
'Profile url',
'First name',
'Last name',
'Phone 1',
'Phone 1 type',
'Phone 2',
'Phone 3 type',
'Phone 3',
'Phone 3 type',
'Messenger 1',
'Messenger 1 type',
'Messenger 2',
'Messenger 3 type',
'Messenger 3',
'Messenger 3 type',
'Website 1',
'Website 2',
'Website 3',
'Organization 1',
'Organization Title 1',
'Organization Start 1',
'Organization End 1',
'Organization Description 1',
'Organization Location 1',
'Organization 2',
'Organization Title 2',
'Organization Start 2',
'Organization End 2',
'Organization Description 2',
'Organization Location 2',
'Organization 3',
'Organization Title 3',
'Organization Start 3',
'Organization End 3',
'Organization Description 3',
'Organization Location 3',
'Organization 4',
'Organization Title 4',
'Organization Start 4',
'Organization End 4',
'Organization Description 4',
'Organization Location 4',
'Organization 5',
'Organization Title 5',
'Organization Start 5',
'Organization End 5',
'Organization Description 5',
'Organization Location 5',
'Organization 6',
'Organization Title 6',
'Organization Start 6',
'Organization End 6',
'Organization Description 6',
'Organization Location 6',
'Organization 7',
'Organization Title 7',
'Organization Start 7',
'Organization End 7',
'Organization Description 7',
'Organization Location 7',
'Education 1',
'Education Degree 1',
'Education FOS 1',
'Education Grade 1',
'Education Start 1',
'Education End 1',
'Education Description 1',
'Education 2',
'Education Degree 2',
'Education FOS 2',
'Education Grade 2',
'Education Start 2',
'Education End 2',
'Education Description 2',
'Education 3',
'Education Degree 3',
'Education FOS 3',
'Education Grade 3',
'Education Start 3',
'Education End 3',
'Education Description 3',

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Alex Erin

Read also

1 : Important — Linked Helper Data Storage

2 : Boost your profile and get hundreds of endorsements

3 : How to send your messages to your LinkedIn 1st connections

4 : Sequential messaging

5 : Build mailing list

6 : Auto-Visit Profiles to get Look-Back

7 : Export your LinkedIn contacts to CSV File

8 : How to manage Collected Recipients (Recipients Queue), Processed Recipients and Excluded Contacts for message broadcast to 1st connections

9 : Switch collapse mode to minified

10 : How to manage broadcasts to LinkedIn 1st connections — creating messages chains

11 : Automatically send personalised invitations to targeted 2nd (3rd in case of Sales Navigator) contacts

12 : Collect, Select & Invite 2nd & 3rd connections

13 : Automatically add your signature to new messages

14 : Automatically endorse all your contacts

