LH shows : LinkedIn is stuck for the current profile after clicking send button

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2018

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here https://www.linkedhelper.com/

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here https://linkedhelper.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

You are using Sales Navigator and you see this message:

You should know that it is not a Linked Helper bug.

Usually this happens because of two reasons:

1) You have too many sent but still pending invitations;


2) These contacts have been invited previously, but then they dismissed your invitations or you withdrawn them.

Try to invite manually the same contact via Sales Navigator and you will see you can’t.

It’s because new Sales Navigator has a lot of bugs and doesn’t have error handling.

You should check:

  1. If this contact is already invited.

Go to normal LinkedIn, find this contact and check is it has “Pending” status.

2. Check that you have less than 1500 pending invitations.

If you have more than 1500, you have to withdraw them (except most recent 1000) — https://medium.com/linked-helper/how-to-cancel-withdraw-all-my-sent-pending-invites-connection-requests-in-linkedin-39b8be9ba3ad

Unfortunately, if a contact was invited previously (manually or within another inviting campaign) and contact has declined your invitation (or it has been withdrawn by you), Sales Navigator can stuck as well, but it’s impossible to check via LinkedIn interface.

You should check manually, that you can’t invite this contact VIA SALES NAVIGATOR, even if normal LinkedIn allows you to do this.

Actually normal LinkedIn has another issue: it often shows that invite has been successfully sent, but you then can’t find it here https://www.linkedin.com/mynetwork/invitation-manager/sent/

Also we recommend to report about the issue LinkedIn Support Team.

Of course do not mention that you use automation software.

