Solutions for common issues

Linked Helper
Linked Helper
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2017

This article is for Linked Helper 1.

Linked Helper 1 is outdated and was replaced by Linked Helper 2. You can find it here

Linked Helper 2 knowledge base is available here

Try to find your issue here :

1. PROBLEM : Linked Helper widget doesn’t appear on page


  1. Go to Chrome Settings -> Extensions, then disable & enable Linked Helper. Refresh LinkedIn Page

2. Check free space on your computer. For Mac it must be more than 8Gb, because part of free space is reserved for operating system

3. Try to disable all other extensions and refresh LinkedIn page

4. Try to restart your computer and make sure that you have more than 20% of free RAM

How to check for MAC :

How to check for Windows :

2. PROBLEM : Linked Helper stuck


  1. Try to disable all other extensions and refresh LinkedIn page

1.1) Open chrome://extensions/ and uncheck all other extensions.

  1. 2) Reload LinkedIn page and try again

2. Check free space on your computer. For Mac it must be more that 8Gb, because part of free space is reserved for operating system

3. You’ve collected contacts for inviting from Sales Navigator, but now you don’t have Sales Navigator Subscription:

1 Go to “View collected”

2 find filter field “Profile identifier”

3 put , in it and press enter

4 click select all

5 click Move to excluded

4. Your message is too long after replacing variables {firstname}, {lastname}, {company} & {position} on their values.

Solution: rewrite you message template :)

3. PROBLEM : Linked Helper stuck during message broadcast and you can see subject field or “You have no InMail credits left”:


Two possible options here. You are trying to send message:

1) To yourself

2) To 2nd or 3rd contact

Go to “Message broadcast to 1st connections” -> “Recipients” tab -> “View collected” and exclude it from Recipients List.

You can find recipient ID at the end of URL / link of current page

If you collected a lot of 2nd or 3rd contacts, it would be easy to click red button “Clear all collected recipients” and then recollect only 1st connections

4. PROBLEM : You have zero acceptance rate for your connection requests in general LinkedIn OR Sales Navigator shows error message “…please try again later”


It seems you have a lot of sent pending invitations. LinkedIn Support Team usually suggest in such cases to withdraw all of them

Here is some tips & tricks to increase acceptance rate for connection requests:

1) Use Profiles Auto-visitor (how to) to visit 2nd & 3rd connections 1–3 times before send them connection requests

2) Set invitation message template. how to

2.1) This message must be personalised by {firstname} variable

2.2) Tell in this message who’re you and why you want to join his or her network.

2.3) Add your signature with your email & phone number, but without any links

3) Test different time for sending connections requests. In some cases I found that evening hours have better acceptance rate

4) Most of people checks your profile before accept your request. Make sure that it filled in right way. Even the background image make sense. You will find a lot articles how to create selling LinkedIn profile

5. PROBLEM : I can’t collect more than 1000 contacts from search


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