Crossroads Contest: Opening Submissions

All the details you need before joining our first ever contest

DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up
3 min readOct 11, 2018


“type writer beside clipboard on wooden surface” by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash

In case you missed the relevant newsletter:

Hi lovely writers!

Are you ready for a writing adventure? We sure are!

It’s time to give you all the necessary details and relevant info on the contest. But before we do that let’s remember our theme:

Lit Up’s Contest #1


Life is full of decisions we make, taking us along one road or down another.

There are moments where unpredicted happiness makes us glow, where events we hoped for are abandoned on the way, dreams lying forgotten by the roadside and sometimes the choices we make bring pain or joy in ways utterly unforeseen, for ourselves and for those we love.

Here is your chance to explore and illustrate the way our choices can change the roads in our lives in ways expected and unexpected.

Write a short story that focuses on the pivotal decisions that influenced a life or lives and the consequences of those decisions. Give us your magical words, sprinkle the letters with your magnificent and unique writing style, perfect your prose with your most poetic lines.

Maximum word count is 3000 words.

Entries are judged on the skills of the writing — originality, readability, engagement, characterisation and meaning delivered — and on the close adherence to the theme. There is no restriction on genre but only fiction and creative nonfiction will be accepted.

No poetry or novel excerpts for this competition, please.

Our rewards:

• First prize: $ _100__ and featured publication in The Lit Up anthology #1

• Second prize: $_30__ and publication in The Lit Up anthology #1

• Third prize: $_20__ and publication in The Lit Up anthology #1

• Selected entries will be featured in Lit Up’s new literary magazine (online version).

•Selected entries will be featured in Lit Up’s first anthology.

  • Selected entries will be published on Lit Up on Medium.

Details and guidelines:

  • Maximum word count is 3000 words.
  • Entries are judged on the skills of the writing — originality, readability, engagement, characterisation and meaning delivered — and on the close adherence to the theme.
  • There is no restriction on genre but only fiction and creative nonfiction will be accepted.
  • No poetry or novel excerpts for this competition, please.
  • Entries need to be the author’s original work and not previously published.
  • Maximum number of entries per writer: 2
  • Please submit your tales in PDF form.


Take the time to ensure your drafts are read through and presented in the most professional manner possible, with a minimum of typos and grammatical errors, and formatted to standard, accepted publishing conventions.

Entry fee: $2

Submissions Open: Today

Deadline: 10 November 2018 (23:59 UTC time)

Maximum number of entries per writer: 2

Don’t forget that maximum word count is 3000 words. Longer works will not be accepted.

How to submit: Submissions are now closed.

Pay the $2 fee here: Invoice

Accepts both PayPal and credit card (if you want to pay by credit card, click on “pay by credit/debit card”).

Download your receipt, attach it to your draft and then submit here:

Please don’t forget to attach your receipt.

Or If you want to pay directly on the form (again using paypal or credit card) click here (Additional payment charges $0.99):

No receipt needed if you’re paying directly on the form.

Looking forward to reading your beautiful words!

Good luck!

Much love to all of you,

DiAmaya Dawn



DiAmaya Dawn
Lit Up

Reader, writer, editor, poet, dancer, music addict. Japanophile, pluviophile and attracted by darkness. Part normal, part Greek.