Maybe You’ll Always be Miserable

Edward Punales
Lit Up
Published in
1 min readJan 25, 2019


Maybe it’s just your natural state,
Your mind in a constant mode of worry,
A perpetual flurry of doubt,
And boredom,
Because it’s wired that way.

You are not compatible,
With the outside world.

And misery,
Are easier for you.

They always have been.

Always there,
To give a sense of structure,

And balance,
To give you a warm blanket,
At the end of another long,
Gloomy day.

All this as natural to you,
As swimming to a fish,
Flying to a bird,
Prowling to a cat.

Being true to yourself,
Isn’t always fun,
Or inspiring,
But it is illuminating.

If you know you’ll always be miserable,
No matter what you do,
Then you have nothing to lose.



Edward Punales
Lit Up
Writer for

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: