Revenge of the Insect Man From Outer Space

Edward Punales
Lit Up
Published in
16 min readApr 7, 2019



Ravi Patel, crusading political blogger, stay-at-home-son, and general do-gooder, strolled down the streets of Brickell City toward City Hall.

With his notebook, digital tape recorder, and little black tie, he was ready to grill the City Council, make the Mayor answer for the corruption and negligence that his administration had wrought upon this decadent metropolis. Yes, Ravi was ready to make a difference.

Plus, he’d probably get a really good blog post out of it; few dozen hits at least. And it’d be a much more productive way to spend his Monday night than watching pirated episodes of Spongebob.

He turned the corner, onto Government Square, turned to face that cesspool of corruption and greed that was City Hall, and found a giant ditch.

He blinked but it didn’t help. Where once sat City Hall, was now nothing more than a large hole in the ground. It looked like a construction site, but with no construction. Some pipes stuck out from the dirt, spraying water like a hydrant. Electric wires that once fed power to the building now dangled from their poles, sparks spraying out onto the concrete.

The ditch had been roped off with caution tape, and a few police officers were holding back a small crowd. Ravi walked up to the nearest cop.



Edward Punales
Lit Up

I am a writer and filmmaker. I love storytelling in all its forms. Contact Info and Other Links: