Some Other Moon

Pamela Edwards
Lit Up
Published in
Sep 27, 2021




Wizened, seasoned, and frayed
Bleak, sleek, and dismayed
Seranaded by Blues
On a long river cruise
It will be a real trial
As we snake down denial

Hair coiffed with a streak
Arising to speak
The Queen of last flings
Wearing lizard print wings
Like a jaded muse
Casting shadows that bruise

Indivisible, irreducible
Star of the crucible
She spells out in verses
A litany of curses
Bespoken, be broken
Forever unsung
I unravel undone
She is the final One

Turn around, turn around
To be lost, to be found
In a growing sensation
Of slow restoration
Crescent slivers of light
Blossom into insight
Reborn and renewed
Restored and imbued

Arising, synchronicity
Surprising, sweet epiphany

