The Elevator; Rising but Never Arriving

Lit Up — April’s Prompt: Distraction

Josh Knapp
Lit Up


Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Distinct, indistinct
The smell, the feeling
The all-encompassing storm
Rages forever but I’m still here
The reality is still
But there’s an uphill
battle for my mind
A reckoning

I’m Sisyphus
But this, this is too much
It’s stiff
It’s the fist
It’s crisp
It’s nonsense to tell
because I don’t even understand

To you, to me
We’re all shear shit sandwiches
Caked in illusions
Tons of guns
Unloaded but firing in every direction
Hitting nothing, but resonating and resonating
I’m left in the echo
Always there, just getting quieter
Less myself

What’s the truth?
Where’s the truth?
Are you the truth?
Consequences and correlations
What do they have in common?
Circumstance, bloody…

