The Importance Of Daily Reviews

Andrew Zuo
Litany Language Learning
3 min readSep 8, 2021


A daily journal
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

So Litany, has this feature, I like to boast, that allows you to skip days without penalties.

And you might start getting overly comfortable and you might ask yourself ‘Do I need to study a language everyday?’.

The answer is yes. And the reason is because Litany uses a spaced repetition system. Specifically a modified version of the SuperMemo 2 algorithm. This system assumes you have one session every day. If you do less than this the algorithm will get confused.

My Experience

OK, what if you don’t study every day? What then? Well I’ve done this before. And it’s not too terrible. But what ends up happening is words that you should have got you just don’t.

So Litany is trying to go for the ‘tip of the tongue’ sensation. This is when you really have to think about a word in order to get it. It’s really good at this when you’re studying every day. When you’re not? Not so much.

It’s not that bad, you’re just a little bit worse if you don’t study every day. But if you skip multiple sessions you…

