Poetry | Cethramtu rannaigechta moire

Peace Maker

A tribute to my soul sister

Carolyn Hastings
Literary Impulse
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2021


Soul Sister (photo courtesy of writer)

Friend for life
Soul sister
peace maker

Rose garden
Soul sister
you’re my peace

© Carolyn Hastings 2021

It’s not the first time I’ve written about my soul sister, Lynda. In fact, I wrote about her last week in The Volcano That Learned to Cry.

Lynda is my soul sister. She’s also my heavenly muse.

You might have noticed the caption under the header image. Soul Sister. It’s the name of the rose I planted in my backyard soon after Lynda passed away in January 2019. The rose is uncannily Lynda. I wrote about it last year in this piece called, Soul Sister.

Lynda was a peace maker. But she was also a fighter. Especially in situations where she felt injustice had been served. Lynda knew a lot about injustice. She came face-to-face with it all the time. In her work. In her community. In her church. In her personal life. Her motivation in calling out injustice was always to find peace. A meeting place in the middle where friction was least.



Carolyn Hastings
Literary Impulse

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.