Achieve the Extraordinary this 2024

Quit Being Average and Level Up Your Life!

Archie Bee
Live Better Life
4 min readJan 1, 2024


Image by the Author, 2024. 010120241019

I believe a huge step for mankind isn’t hopping on a goddamn spaceship.

It’s cracking open your skull and dumping out the stagnant pond water that’s been breeding self-doubt and mediocrity for far too long. That is the real giant leap you gotta take this 2024.

This ain’t another “New Year, New You” bullshit parade. This is about leveling up your entire damn existence, like a boss monster in a video game.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Bee, you wrote a whole damn article about embracing being ‘comfortably numb’ and staying average.” Yeah, well, guess what? I was wrong. Turns out, living life on autopilot like a toaster ain’t the path to nirvana. It’s the highway to a slow, agonizing death of unfulfilled potential.

So, let’s chuck that “whatever” attitude in the nearest dumpster fire and get down to brass tacks.

This year, we’re gonna be architects of our own damn extraordinary.

But here’s the catch, sunshine: it ain’t gonna be a walk in the park.

It’ll be a sweaty, blood-curdling climb up Mount Kick-Your-Own-Ass. Are you ready?

Buckle the hell up, then.

Know Yourself, You Glorious Mess

Before you start crafting your “eat kale and conquer Everest” bullshit, figure out what makes you tick.

What’s that fire in your belly that isn’t just heartburn from last night’s tequila?

Are you a wordsmith with a keyboard addiction?

A painter who sees beauty in chipped paint and rusty nails?

Find that spark, that “thing” that makes you come alive, and hold onto it like a life raft in a hurricane of societal pressures.

Ditch the Bucket List, Build a Damn Ladder

Bucket lists are for tourists, not warriors.

You don’t climb Everest by checking it off a list; you climb it by waking up every day, lacing up your boots, and taking one goddamn step at a time.

Forget about skydiving and swimming with sharks (unless that’s your jam, you weirdo). Focus on the daily grind, the small victories that build a freaking ladder towards your extraordinary self.

Learn a new skill, conquer a fear, write that damn book, paint that masterpiece, bake that cake that’ll make Martha Stewart weep (and gain five pounds).

Embrace the Suck (and the Glory)

The path to extraordinary ain’t paved with rose petals and piña coladas.

There’ll be days you want to crawl back into bed and pretend 2024 never happened.

There’ll be setbacks, failures, moments when you question everything.

But here’s the secret, folks: that’s where the real magic happens. Embrace the suck, learn from it, and use it as fuel to propel yourself forward.

5 Things for You to Think About

  1. Remember that article I wrote about being okay with mediocrity? Yeah, tear it up. Shred it into confetti and feed it to the pigeons. That was me in a funk, playing it safe because the thought of actually trying scared the bejeezus out of me. Don’t be like me. Be better. Be bolder. Be the goddamn phoenix rising from the ashes of your own damn complacency.
  2. Are you happy? Really, deep down, soul-searching kinda happy? Not just “meh, life’s alright” kinda content. I’m talking fireworks-exploding-in-your-gut, can’t-wipe-the-grin-off-your-face kinda joy. If the answer’s anything less than a hell yeah, then something’s gotta change.
  3. Did you achieve the goals you set last year? Be honest. No sugarcoating, no fancy excuses. If you just kinda “winged it” and ended up further down the same river of meh, then it’s time to course-correct. 2024 ain’t for the wishy-washy crew. It’s for the goddamn laser-focused warriors who chase their dreams like a rabid badger after a juicy worm.
  4. Are you surrounded by people who fuel your fire or piss on your parade? Take a good, hard look at your inner circle. Are they cheerleaders pushing you towards your Everest, or naysayers whispering “just give up, life sucks anyway”? Ditch the energy vampires and find your tribe of dream-chasers. You need that positive fire to burn bright, baby.
  5. Are you scared? Hell yeah, you should be. Stepping outside your comfort zone is terrifying. But guess what? The most epic things in life are always on the other side of fear. So embrace the damn butterflies in your stomach and take that leap, you magnificent bastard.

The Bottom Line

2024. It’s your goddamn oyster.

You can shuck it open and feast on the juicy potential within, or you can leave it closed, content with the blandness of familiarity. The choice is yours.

But here’s the thing: extraordinary isn’t handed out like participation trophies. It’s earned, sweat after sweat, tear after tear, triumph after glorious goddamn triumph.

Are you ready to step up?

Are you ready to be the extraordinary version of yourself that’s been screaming to get out?

Because if not, then get the hell out of my way. I’ve got a ladder to climb, a masterpiece to paint, and a world to inspire with my messy, glorious existence.

And you?

You’ve got a choice to make. Go big, or go home. 2024 won’t wait for your damn resolutions. It’s time to unleash the extraordinary.

What are you really waiting for?

The year is a blank canvas, your brush is in hand. Paint your masterpiece, folks. Make 2024 the year you stop settling for “meh” and start living your damn extraordinary life.

Because trust me, watching someone else live their dream is a lot less satisfying than chasing your own.



Archie Bee
Live Better Life

Unfiltered writing about self-improvement, human potential, and anything in-between to live better.