The Many Eyes of Street Photography: Social Voices and Fine Art

Part 2

Fernando Coelho
Live View


In the first story of this series, I showed you examples of nitty and gritty street photography.

I promised to follow up with more empathetic styles

I am now about to tell you inspiring photography stories where you can explore:

  • Photojournalism with a street creative twist,
  • Street Portraiture and
  • The mundane meeting Fine Art.

Time doesn’t stop, and you cannot buy more.

A still image is a powerful tool in the hands and with the mindset of a street photographer.

1/250th of a second is frozen, where humanity is engaged with everyday life.

Sometimes, when you see a street photograph, it remains with you for a long time.

The world is record as it is, but with a creative twist that can make a photograph memorable. A snapshot into the past or a snapshot of the present. A genuine document of how society was or is.

Everyday life can be documented, but it can also be a source of artistic expression.

Street Photography takes then a different route.

Unstaged street scenes are “directed” to create emotional images that evoke a particular mood or tell a story.

Perceptions of sadness, beauty, or nostalgia connect viewers to those moments depicted long…



Fernando Coelho
Live View

Street Photographer looking for moments in the streets where light, shadows, composition and subjects meet a “zen” moment.