The 7 Benefits of a Digital Fast

Why a digital fast is important and how to do it.

Ashley Richmond
Live Your Life On Purpose


Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash

In addition to doing a week long physical detox each month, another powerful practice you should try is a digital fast. It is one of the most powerful and rejuvenating practices I have come across. Not only does it provide clarity and enhance creativity and motivation, but it teaches you to embrace boredom and solitude.

Digital fast vs. Digital detox

A digital detox is usually referred to as reducing technology use — such as turning off notifications, turning your phone off while working and setting limits for the amount of time you spend on technology.

While a digital detox is great, and I advocate for using these techniques daily, I also recommend a digital fast — taking extended breaks from using any sort of technology. You’re detoxing, but you’re also getting the benefits of a fast.

Fasts of any kind are good for you — they teach you to go without. They teach you how to be happy even in absence. Fasting can be an incredibly spiritual practice.

Fasts lead to an eventual gain despite the current absence. But what are we gaining?

Why a digital fast is so important



Ashley Richmond
Live Your Life On Purpose

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