A Letter to My Cousin; Bev.

Stephanie Chizoba Odili
Live Your Life On Purpose
2 min readJul 5, 2020


It’s been one year since you left us.

Every week, as scheduled, I go to your forever missed page to write you a message, then I resist. I open it, sadly running my eyes through the list of people pouring in messages and words every now and then, yet, I could not bring myself to do it anymore.

Amazingly, each time I have to work or do whatever on my laptop, I think of you. Why? Because I was gifted this laptop—that used to be yours—by my big bro Tammy. So, you can see that every time I turn it on, every day, I think of you. I just cannot stand the pain of putting it into words. Last we spoke really, it was on these pages. For my cowardice and the excuses that come with it, please forgive me. I’m sorry.

I miss you. We all do.

The world has gone crazy in the one year you were gone. It literally went into an apocalypse; nothing like this ever. I saw Rosie again and it was almost like we never left, as always. I moved out of my parents and into a friends’ before moving into mine (with my husband). Yes, I got married. I tell him so much about you, about how the handful of times we spoke was enough for your light to touch my heart, forever.

Ibinye, I hope you and Gabby are laying down in a field of flowers, smiling shyly as your face pushes back wind. I hope you see God as you had shown Him to us here on earth. I hope you pray daily for your mum, dad, sisters, sister-friends, brother, and husband. I hope you remember my side of the family and pray for us too. I hope you see only love and peace, every day.

I miss you again, we all do.

Till we meet again, until then, goodbye.

