I Tried Naltrexone To Control My Drinking

The result completely depended on my mindset

Lizzee Bee
Live Your Life On Purpose
5 min readJan 5, 2020


My inability to moderate my drinking has slowly increased as I have gotten older, to the point where it is no longer about trying to moderate in any way, shape or form, but instead to give up the booze completely.

This hasn’t really come as much of a surprise to me like just about every sober self-help book author or blog writer out there has come to the same conclusion.

The way alcohol affects our minds and our bodies makes it pretty much impossible for “problem” drinkers to moderate because once we have a drink, the rational, sensible part of our brain that promised that it would only have one drink switches to auto-pilot and says: “One more won’t hurt” or “Everyone else is drinking” or “It’s my birthday, why should I miss out?”, and moderation is thrown out the window — again.

Seeking help

During one of my frequent bouts of deep despair about my binge drinking and needing to reach out to something, anything, anyone for help, I finally admitted to my doctor that I was drinking too much. It was painfully embarrassing. I felt like such a loser — an educated, professional, middle-class, capital L loser.



Lizzee Bee
Live Your Life On Purpose

Figuring myself out one post at a time. Disenchanted corporate person. Writing about life and stuff.