Go to Lived Wisdom
Lived Wisdom
Stories of personal learning to promote empathy and understanding.
Note from the editor

Stories of personal learning to promote empathy and understanding.

Go to the profile of Linda Guest
Linda Guest
I specialise in ghostwriting but write here as myself. I am interested in education, social justice and the human condition. linda@appliedthinking.co.uk.
Go to the profile of Joanne Leigh McKann
Go to the profile of Solo Childfree Woman
Solo Childfree Woman
Lifestyle lore for 21st century cat ladies and witches. Same username on Instagram and TikTok.
Go to the profile of Pavel Žahourek
Pavel Žahourek
I write about technology, self-improvement, and more. Subscribe for unlimited access to all Medium stories. https://pavelzahourek.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Shawn Day
Shawn Day
Boston based writer focusing on self-improvement, spirituality, self-knowledge, recovery and alcoholism
Go to the profile of Tom Simon
Tom Simon
Cruising through my fifth decade by looking ahead, and within, in equal measures. Pilot, Coach, Teacher, Mentor— Writer?
Go to the profile of Reylia Slaby
Reylia Slaby
Reylia Slaby is a Fine Art photographer, writing about her love for creating, and how others can use art in their lives reyliaslaby.com | Insta @reylia.slaby