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Livery Video
Livery is an end-to-end solution that provides everything you need to create a scalable, affordable, global video footprint. The key to entertaining, educating, and engaging your audience while monetizing your content — all in real time, on any connected device.
Note from the editor

Livery is an end-to-end solution that provides everything you need to create a scalable, affordable, global video footprint. The key to entertaining, educating, and engaging your audience while monetizing your content — all in real time, on any connected device.

Go to the profile of Jeroen Mol
Jeroen Mol
VP of Innovation @Livery Video. A creative problem solver with a educational background including a MA in Art Management and BA in Media Management.
Go to the profile of Livery
Go to the profile of Jeroen Mol
Jeroen Mol
VP of Innovation @Livery Video. A creative problem solver with a educational background including a MA in Art Management and BA in Media Management.
Go to the profile of Jeroen Elfferich
Go to the profile of Jeroen Doucet
Jeroen Doucet
Innovating the medium formerly known as television. My day job is Chief Strategy Officer for ExMachinaGroup. Amsterdam based, but often in a hotel near you.
Go to the profile of Frank Van Oirschot
Frank Van Oirschot
I help leaders in L&D, e-commerce, marketing and media to create success with interactive live video concepts using advanced interactive video cloud technology