Go to News in FiVe
News in FiVe
Understand what's important … in five minutes a day.
Note from the editor

Understand what's important … in five minutes a day.

Go to the profile of Rob Dennis
Rob Dennis
Reporter and documentary filmmaker. News in FiVe news director.
Go to the profile of barry shatzman
barry shatzman
Award-winning reporter. Co-founder and editor of NewsInFive. Co-founder and director of Lobby99
Go to the profile of William Parks
William Parks
Taught 20 years at Ohlone College in Fremont. Before that edited sailing magazines 7 years, worked 20 years in newspapers. Helped start Lobby 99.
Go to the profile of Rob Dennis
Rob Dennis
Reporter and documentary filmmaker. News in FiVe news director.
Go to the profile of barry shatzman
barry shatzman
Award-winning reporter. Co-founder and editor of NewsInFive. Co-founder and director of Lobby99
Go to the profile of William Parks
William Parks
Taught 20 years at Ohlone College in Fremont. Before that edited sailing magazines 7 years, worked 20 years in newspapers. Helped start Lobby 99.