Product imitations

with left over materials in education for transition.

The worlds cities stand for 70% of greenhouse gas production and over 60% of energy consumption. (UN The New Urban Agenda, Habitat III)

This visual story shows our concept of product imitation with inexpedient production. Inexpedient is mainly related to products produced abroad and transported into the cities.

Our approach is to create local prototype productions and designs, that represent a local circular alternative and primarily stimulates wondering and dialogue about values and the dominant linear economy: production — consume — waste. This products represent a transition situation.

“The best waste is the waste we do not create” (LØS — Market)

In the best of all worlds, there would be nothing like garbage waste or recycling of this style. Here some examples:

Bricks of milk cartons filled with straw, sea grass and wool. This was part of a project called “Clothing the house” in Træstubben, co-working with children in the age of 3–7. At the end of the session this children got familiar with the meaning of the word insulation.
Earth sack produced abroad and local produced earth sack. Read more about Vesterbro Earth here.
Card holders and water cans of money collection tabs and 2,5l milk canisters.
Tealights. The left side tealights a particle polluting mass product in plastic and aluminium. The left tealights are made of clay and beeswax.
Waste against waste lunch box. A classical situation — not only — in nature- and environmental teaching: we talk about pollution, waste and other problems. Suddenly it is lunch time. Lunch boxes with all kind of packaging were taken and the lunch time ends with a big bag of mixed garbage. This is one way to act upon it, stimulate discussion and innovation. The lunch box packages on the right side are made by waste milk bottles. They can be cleaned and reused 10–20 times.
Evolving Traditions. This product imitation project started with decorating the green Christmas tree with decoration made of trash like coloured packing and other waste. Then in 2012, we started to replace the whole Christmas tree with a Christmas tree installation made of waste materials. See more about this highlight tradition in Vesterbro Christmas here.
IQ light (right), design Holger Storm 1973, and ECO light, made of milk cartons with a school class. In 1973 the carton would burn by the heat of the light bulb. Now the light bulbs are nearly cold and perfect for a lampshade made of milk carton.
Warm drink cup. Left from waste milk carton, right commercial.
Tea bags. Left with local herbs and left over postcards envelopes. Right from the supermarket. Do you know where they come from and how they are made?
Inventing methods and colours to replace spray can colours for stencils.

