Do you need a computer science degree to be a software engineer?

Localz Engineering
Published in
7 min readDec 7, 2018

By AJ Whalley, Software Engineer

So, you want to enter the world of software development? That’s awesome! It really is an incredible industry to be a part of. However, if you’re considering a career in software development, then you’ll have to answer this question.

Should you get a computer science degree?

It’s asked by everyone entering the software game and was also true for me, as I transitioned from an events manager to a software engineer at Localz. So, let me give you a crystal clear answer… yes! Also, no. And, potentially a maybe.

Clear as mud, right?

Unfortunately, like many questions in life, there is no definite universal answer for an individual’s path to success. Why? Because there are too many variables. Think about it — you’re different to every other person on the planet. You think differently, you have different circumstances, goals, ambitions, experiences, parents, friends, the list goes on. It would be foolish to think there is a one size fits all. If you want to be a software developer, perhaps you would be better off doing a coding bootcamp, teaching yourself, or potentially even staying where you are and transitioning positions.

The answer depends on your life and only you will know the answer. So, instead of trying to answer the question directly, let’s explore one simple question, along with my insights from an unconventional bootcamp path into software engineering, to help you make the best decision for you. Let’s get to it.

The single most important question that will determine whether you should get a computer science degree, or anything else in life, is this: what is the outcome that you want?

It might seem irrelevant, but sincerely ask yourself, what is it that you want? It’s a pivoting question. It’s too easy to be so entangled in our busy, autopilot lives that we don’t pause, reflect, ponder, explore, think, question, etc.

“That ain’t livin Barry !”— BCF Ad

First things first. If you want to be involved with the creation of cutting edge technologies, the theoretical aspects and applications, the academic components, then a computer science degree could be your answer. If you think you fit into that category, then you probably already have a picture in mind of where you want to be and, with that, I would do this one thing. Find someone who has done or is doing what you want and model them (I am definitely not that person). Get on LinkedIn and find people who are where you want to be, reach out to them and start a conversation. Say hello, introduce yourself and ask something along the lines of “I really respect what you’re doing, and I imagine it has high points and low points. Could you share them with me? Knowing what you know now, is it worth the effort?” Even if one out ten people reply, that’s still incredible. It could be the most important connection you make.

Secondly, I would be rigorously explore your genuine reasons for wanting to pursue software development. For some, it feels like a perfect fit and for others they only think it is. The reason why I bring this up is because I believe too many people do what they think they are suppose to do, without considering what they actually want or what is inline with who they are. Are you doing it because you’re parents want you to? Because you think it’s “cool”? Or in order to feel loved or valued in some way? I’m not saying any of these things are true, but it’s worth exploring. It could save you many years of going down the wrong road.

Thirdly, if you don’t want to be involved in the academia side of things, it doesn’t mean that a CS degree isn’t for you. I just believe you fit into a world where you’re more interested in standing on the shoulders of giants and using the tools they have invented, or built over the decades, in order to create something else. It could be one where you love to build things and visually see them come to life, or where you want to solve a problem for a partially group of people. So the question still remains, what is the outcome that you want?

I get it, this is a tough question. I remember when I first started and would explain to software developers that I had entered the field, they would ask questions like, “Are you going to be a backend developer? Or are you more interesting in full stack? Or frontend? Or UX? Or DevOps? Or or or..?” And I’m there like, “Dev, what? I don’t know.” I didn’t even know what they were talking about. So I get it, if you look at it from a role based perspective, it can be a hard question to answer without having first experienced each avenue. Although I got started without a lot of software knowledge and was potentially naïve in regards to the enormity of the software world, I want to share with you how I, personally, went about making the decision to enter software development.

Before being a software developer for Localz, I was an events manager and, before that, an electrician. I don’t know if you can relate to this, but I never wanted to be an events manager. I just fell into it from a stream of events that I had also fallen into. I never paused and made a conscious choice about what I really wanted to do with my life or what I wanted my life to be about. It wasn’t until a conversation with my partner that everything changed. I realised I had to deliberately choose the direction I wanted my life to take and pursue it with volition. I needed to choose something I actually wanted to do, something that I could be great at. It was from there that I started exploring my options. I knew that I loved being with people, but I much preferred working with things. I love building something tangible and being able to see the outcome when it’s all done. I’m a logical thinker that can build up to more purpose driven thinking and back down to the details. Both the future of technology and knowing how things go together excites me and that I wanted to help others. I’m a leader, a lover and can learn anything.

With this self reflection, I started exploring a range of university degrees within engineering and other fields. Over three or so months, I dabbled in free online courses and articles until I landed on computer science. I rang the university and discovered my studies in Electrotechnology did not count towards an undergraduate degree and I would have to do a diploma or other tertiary studies to be accepted into a university. So, I kept searching and, in the meantime, worked through and read about HTML & CSS. I was loving it, but I needed a different way in.

Being told I would have to do extra studies prior to being accepted into university was actually a blessing in disguise, as it forced me to look at all the options of how to become a software developer. After doing more research, I decided computer science wasn’t for me. Although there would be better job security after completing a degree, which came with a better salary, the total time spent acquiring a degree wasn’t worth it to me. What I was banking on is this: if you can prove that you can solve a problem and add value, who cares what your background education is. Also, even if you have a computer science degree, but you’re a dick, no one will hire you anyway. Being able to solve a problem, play well with others and have a good attitude is what’s more important for me.

The other option was to transition into a tech role within the company I worked for. However, where I worked didn’t have any dedicated tech people, which meant no mentoring. I would have always been known for the other skills I had and I didn’t want to swing in and out of old responsibilities. So that one was out.

The final two options that remained were a coding bootcamp and to do it on my own. I ended up going with the bootcamp option. I found many to choose from — within Australia & internationally; in person and 100% digitally.

I ended up studying at Coder Academy, a 500m walk from my home in Melbourne, where I would be with a group of people on the same journey, have mentors to guide me, and have much lower student loans. So, I studied 5 days a week, 8 hrs a day and after 5 months I finished the course with a Diploma in IT and an internship. The course had run many times before so it had reviews & credibility. The downside was the cost involved and that I had to support myself while studying 5 days a week. However, to me, the pros far outweigh the cons many times over. From there, the internship turned into a full time software engineering position at Localz, which I’m beyond grateful for. I put in the work, I add value and I’m not a dick. Life is great and I’m loving it.

So, should you get a computer science degree? I think the best answer is maybe. It all depends on you. Press pause and audit yourself, your current life situation and where you want to go. I know this article contains no clear answer, but I hope my words and short story have provided you with at least one insight, thought, or anything else that will help you in some way.

Best of luck with your journey!

This blog post is part of the 2018 Localz Advent Calendar series. You can read the rest of the blog posts in the series here.

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