Impact Through Connection

Logan Austin
Freedom of Lifestyle
5 min readJul 19, 2021

“Developing the ability to influence one another on a deeper level.”

Relating to one another is part of a deeper process that we can continue to unfold as the bonds between us as human beings grow.

This is how relationships change lives.

When you grow up you’re told to do certain things like go to school, get up early, make your bed and brush your teeth but not everyone is taught how to connect with others in the correct way in order to make the best out of each interaction. Of course there isn’t necessarily a manual on how to carry oneself at such a young age and parents can only go so far as to teach us what they already know.

Now this may seem trivial or not of the most importance to those who seem to excel at first hand social interaction. However, it is a vital part of life that may be overlooked too many times in the smallest of detail when it matters the most, especially at a young age during development. There is a process that goes on underneath the surface of each conversation, behavioral pattern, and emotional response. These cues, meanings and sub communications go a long ways.

This is how we can make an impact through connection.

It is not only those patterns but the way in which we carry them out (impact) and who we are doing it with, but also the strength of the bond between us in our relationships (connection).

Some of the most foundational methods for communication have been exploited and disrupted. Examples may include:

Empathy and honesty which have been exploited by the use of manipulation.

Respect that has been lost due to lack of integrity.

Trust that cannot be gained because of abuse or deception.


The list could go on about the numerous ways in which we as people choose to wrong each other when there are correct ways to integrate a sense of wholeness and authenticity in our lives. It’s a shame that there is so much pain in the world lingering that we constantly take advantage of each other.

Carl Jung puts it beautifully above.

“Know all the theories, master all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul.”

What better way to experience human connection than to do it in the most natural and genuine way possible?

This is where relatability comes in hand. Given that having an impact on each other can speak volumes, being able to connect properly with this in mind will create the natural development of relationships that anyone can utilize and value in their life. Thus creating some of the groups, teams, communities and even cultures of humanity that we have come to know today.

I think finding first where you can relate with others is the single most important determining factor for your chances of success with influencing people. If you want to achieve something worthwhile, especially when it comes to including people in your life, then you’re going to have to see not only how it benefits yourself but everyone as a whole. Keep in mind how beneficial it may be to have a win-win scenario where influence can help change things for the better. Maybe you don’t want to achieve anything and maybe you don’t want to change anything. Simply just having a relationship/friendship with people is more than enough. That’s okay.

Now on the other hand, if you do want to influence others then you must understand people and yourself. Know your own boundaries. See where opportunity calls for improvement. Adjust things until you find the right momentum and then capture a course of action that allows you to enjoy the process. Yes there are going to be ups and downs, pros and cons but if you can find a way to have more win-win situations (compromises) between yourself, whatever and whoever is encompassed then your journey will be all the more pleasant. This does not mean to put compromising above your health, the law, your well-being or values. If there is conflict within these parameters then there most likely is not going to be a compromise. Do not put your life or your worth on the line just to make sure there is a sense of consonance.

In case you’re interested, I will put a link to one of my previous articles here that touches base on the idea of change and self awareness. Both aren’t necessarily required for relatability, impact and connection but they do help with mindset around these concepts. Depending on what you’d like to accomplish or maybe who you’d like in your life these tools can manifest what you’ve always been looking for.

Relationships are key and I believe that they are often taken for granted if not valued appropriately. Maybe you don’t see it that way. Maybe you do. Maybe you have an alternate perspective. Either way I think it is important to remember that nothing is finite until we die. Everything is temporary in the bigger picture and having what matters most to us shine in the darkest of times is what can help stabilize and ground us so that the next step isn’t as daunting or intimidating. It is our humanity that brings us together. It is the fact that we’re mortal that humbles us. Let your actions speak for themselves and don’t give up on whoever you’re trying to become. It may take a long time but as long as you’re persistent I believe that you can make a lot happen in your lifetime.

So, who can you relate to?

What kind of impact do you want to have?

Is there a connection between yourself and others?

Figure that out and you may be surprised with what you can find…

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

-Carl Jung

