Lochlan Bloom
London Literary Review
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3 min readMar 30, 2018


LLR Newsletter March — Esther Kinsky’s River… Art as a Second Language… Why Utopian Communities Fail… and more

Welcome to this month’s LLR newsletter. This round-up includes a few interesting stories, both on Medium and off.

If you enjoy please add a response and share or 👏. To get future editions of the newsletter simply follow London Literary Review on Medium.

If you would like to curate an edition of the newsletter get in touch at londonliteraryreview@yahoo.com. In particular, any ideas for themed newsletters rounding up the latest stories on a specific topic would be great.



Esther Kinsky muses on a river in England

Great review of Esther Kinsky’s new novel River. I had the chance to speak to Esther about her great new book River for a podcast I co-host and found her process fascinating. You can hear the podcast at: https://unsoundmethods.co.uk/esther-kinsky/


Art as a Second Language

Wonderful words and images from illustrator Roman Muradov about the process of creating art and its interplay with langauge


Why Utopian Communities Fail

Great piece from Areo Magazine about structure and weakness in intentional communities and Utopian experiments in living communally.


Beyond Bitcoin, Can Blockchain Technology Change the World?

A look into the role that crytpocurrency might take in shaping society beyond the first wave of innovations.


Soft words

A poem by anna breslin

Man and Woman, Egon Schiele


Hope you enjoyed this LLR letter.

To register your interest in curating a newsletter get in touch at londonliteraryreview@yahoo.com.

If you found this of interest do share, 👏 or comment.

The LLR also accepts submissions of prose, non-fiction, poetry and photo-stories. To submit visit: https://medium.com/london-literary-review/how-to-submit-to-london-literary-review-bf440a982894

