Adopt These 5 Daily Habits To Succeed in Affiliate Marketing, Even as a Beginner

What secrets do successful affiliate marketers follow daily that beginners often miss?

Long. Sweet. Valuable.
6 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

Affiliate marketers who have been in the industry for so long but have not yet given up, don’t just rely on LUCK OR GUESSWORK.

They follow specific daily habits (or systems) that set them apart from beginners. These habits are the ones that always push them forward.

Big sales don’t happen overnight.

And from my experience, I didn’t see immediate results when I started affiliate marketing.

But as a person whose books have been my companions right from day one, I have followed a lot of James Clear's advice from his book called Atomic Habits.


If you start practicing these 5 tiny habits on a daily basis, you’ll start to feel like success is just around the corner.

90% of the money you’ll make with affiliate marketing is really just:

Habit #1 — Doing A Lot of Small Tasks Every Single Day.

I'm talking about those of us who are still on the 9–5 train.

You could also be a witness to these words said to us 100–1000 times, of which, in my case, I even heard some today.

You should focus. You need to eliminate the distractions. Commit to one thing and become great at that thing.

Now, The question is...

  • How can we stay focused? when we’ve still not reached the train station yet to get out of the 9–5 train.
  • Bombard by too many things at once, from the news, smart phone notifications, family members, etc.
  • Don’t have specific plans or systems to follow.
  • Or we are always tired from our daily work, school, and other activities.

It becomes too hard for us to focus or eliminate distractions.

Meaning to focus is to break down setting up a website, which probably takes 2 hours to do, into 30 minutes per day with intense focus,.

We have to be there, block notification, and block family members for 30 minutes.

This is not a 2-hour job, just 30 minutes, so anyone can do it. If not, then YOU ARE A LAZY AS F*CK.

This doesn’t just have to be setting up a website alone. It could be:

  • Content creation
  • Learning
  • Setting up a new profile on social media
  • Driving traffic
  • And so much more

Just break into SMALL CHUCKS, be there every day for 30 minutes, and take the NEEDED ACTION EVERY DAY.

Habit #2 — Always Focus On One Single Process

It could be 100 tasks on your to-do-lists

But focusing on ONE SINGLE TASK, sitting down to do it, and doing it well makes a lot of difference.

One of my favorite authors, Robert Greene, has a powerful quote in his book called The 33 Strategies of War that goes something like this:

Stake everything on a single throw

Often we try too many things at once, thinking one of them will bring us SUCCESS — but in these situations, our minds are diffused, our efforts half-hearted.

It is better to take one daunting challenge, even one that others think foolish.

Our future is at stake; we cannot afford to lose. So we don’t.

These words speaks a lot of sense to me, and I believe they hold a universal truth.

When we spread ourselves too thin, we compromise the quality of our work and our ability to achieve meaningful results.

It could be a NICHE you want to choose. Then you have to focus on that niche till it brings you THE END IN MIND (what you’re after)

Concentrate when you take action!!. it could ;

  • Creating a product (focus on that product until it get done)
  • One traffic source (Just focus)
  • One campaign
  • One customer
  • One landing page

Do not go for shortcuts. Just focus on one single process and master it.

This focused approach allows you to go deeper, learn the ins and outs, and achieve mastery.

When we multitask.

Our brain has to constantly switch between different activities, preventing us from entering the flow state that brings out creativity in us.

This is important in today’s world. Where deep knowledge and specialization can set you apart from the competition,.

The Change That Changed Everything

In the year 1997…

That was when things took a U-turn for one of successful brands in the entire world.

Apple .

A company that was known back then for producing a boatload of products.

Were not making ANY PROFIT.

Yep .

The return of Steve Jobs made the shift...

But what did he do …

Give the JOB to a man whose name is JOBS, and he will do a perfect JOB for you.

He focused on cutting this down to just four key products: two desktops (one for consumers, one for professionals) and two laptops (one for consumers, one for professionals).

Yes, from a dozen products to only four products...

This FOCUS APPROACH led Apple to perfect these core products, which ultimately led to higher quality and innovation.

Habit #3 — Build Consistency

Consistency is the fuel you need to power success.

Drop by drop, the water will begin to turn into a mighty ocean. Consistency is a compound effect, just like a drop of water.

It's all about having a plan and waking up every day to work on it. With or without MOTIVATION, what matters is just being there, which is the important thing.

But how do you build consistency?

Start small. Set goals that you can achieve daily. It could turn out that you want to write a blog post for your new affiliate marketing website.

  • Building a landing page
  • Creating video contents
  • Driving traffic
  • Researching on your customer
  • And much more.

You may not have an idea about it, but what you did yesterday affects what you do now. It is steps, and these small steps add up over time.

Consistency also means being patient. Results won’t come overnight.

It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see immediate success (that is human nature), but as the saying goes,.

Trust the process.

The more consistent you are, the more you learn, and the better you become.

Habit #4 — Build a Habit Of keeping Up With The Trends.

Join the email newsletters of the affiliate networks and marketers.

Affiliate marketing has evolved to become what it is today, even though the basics remain the same .

Which is to promote a product to people who are interested, and if they buy, you get your commission.

The everyday tools we use, the change in the internet, and AI.

Are always affecting current marketing and how it used to operate. If you don’t stay updated on the game and keep improving your knowledge and strategies, you will always be left out.

To stay ahead, make it a daily habit to

  • Read Industry blogs
  • Join relevant forums
  • Follow marketers who are already in your niche and doing affiliate marketing
  • Listen and watch what the competition is doing.
  • ETC

This way, you’ll always be in the loop about the latest trends and shifts that are happening in the market.

Another great practice is to set aside a specific time each day dedicated to learning.

Even 15–20 minutes of focused reading or watching a tutorial can make a big difference over time.

The more you get informed, the better equipped you’ll be to adapt to changes and find new opportunities.

Habit #5—Balance Knowledge Seeking And Action Taking

You can have all the knowledge in the world.

But if NO ACTION is taken, you won't see any effect. It is good to seek out knowledge so that you may know what to do next, and it is also good to take action.

30% : 70%... That’s what I use every day. I spend more time on action (which in my case is 70%) than on gathering knowledge.

More action leads to REAL RESULTS.

Knowledge is your roadmap, but action is the journey. Without taking steps forward, you’ll never reach your destination.

Start each day by learning something new, but make sure the majority of your time is spent applying what you’ve learned.

This could mean:

  • Creating contents
  • Optimizing your website
  • Engaging with your audience.
  • And so much more

When I was stuck at a 9-to-5 job. I set a goal to learn a blog post or watch a video on my day job when I had free time.

And I would then spend the rest of the time implementing those strategies I learned when I returned from work (which was about 2–3 hours).

Balance the two, and you won’t regret it.

The Littles Stuff Makes All The Difference.

It may not be what you were expecting.

But implementing each habit has its own effect on your affiliate marketing.

The small, consistent actions you take every day can lead to significant improvements over time.



Long. Sweet. Valuable.

Digital Writer & Online Entrepreneur | I talk about CPA Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, & Freelancing | Helping Others Make a Difference.