CryptoZombies Hard Fork has begun…👷

Loom Network
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2018

Well, my friend…

It is officially time.

Specifically, right now it is April 20th at 12:00 UTC.

As I mentioned almost a month ago, we are now ready to move CryptoZombies onto it’s own DAppChain.

Which means, The CryptoZombies Hard Fork has now officially begun 🚧

Don’t worry…

While your Zombies are being prepared to journey into their own DAppChain, you’ll still be able to use CryptoZombies as usual.

There will be no downtime or zombie casualties during this migration.

In fact, you won’t notice anything 🙂

As of April 20th at 12:00 UTC (the deadline), we have locked your course progress into a snapshot to make sure you will get all the rewards you've earned.

Not only that…

We are carefully verifying your account to make sure you finished your lessons without cheating.

Some of you even created a bunch of fake accounts to get extra rewards 😐

But, as Confucius says:

Perks and Tokens are what people desire, but unless they are obtained in the right way, they may not be possessed — Confucius

We expect this “authenticity check” to be finished by end of next week.

After that’s done, you’ll be able to claim your rewards and start partying 🎉

As usual, I’ll let you know when it’s all ready.

As you know, hard forking CryptoZombies to its own DAppChain is a HUGE deal as it will be the 2nd DAppChain to run on Loom Network after DelegateCall.

You can read more about what other DAppChain Apps we are planning on releasing.

That’s not all…

After we announce your rewards, I got even more exciting news about the capabilities of the new, supercharged CryptoZombies.

Stay tuned 😎

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Loom Network

Autodidact, technopagan, and marketing spellbinder, harnessing the arcane arts to captivate, mesmerize, and mold the zeitgeist for the highest bidder 🔮