Loom SDK Projects: Neon District, a Blockchain-Based Cyberpunk RPG

Loom Network
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2018
Neon District is a RPG game set in a futuristic, tech-noir landscape — and its coming to a blockchain near you!

Articles in this Loom SDK Projects series:

  1. Pixie Shopping Street, a Clothing Design / Dress-Up Game & Marketplace
  2. Neon District, a Blockchain-Based Cyberpunk RPG (it’s this one!) 👈
  3. Axie Infinity — Collect, Breed, and Battle Fantasy Pets on the Blockchain!

Woooooo hoooooo!

Today, I am excited to announce that Neon District — a hybrid card-based RPG and MMO (set in a futuristic, tech-noir world)—will be using the Loom SDK.

Neon District is like the (blockchain) game version of Blade Runner and Terminatoronly a thousand times better.

Since, Blockchain Games are about to take over the planet and Loom Network is focused on making large scale games possible on the Blockchain— this is going to be another INSANE addition.

If you’ve been out of the loop…

This is the second of a series of posts where we’ve been highlighting some of the earliest projects that will be using Loom Network’s Alpha SDK.

Essentially, this series is a sneak peek into some of the earliest projects that will be using the groundbreaking Blockchain tech we are developing.

In the first iteration of this series, we covered Pixie Shopping Street — a clothing design and dress-up game (also marketplace) that’s exploring how Loom’s SDK can be used to scale their current and future games using DAppChains.

and now we got ourselves a 3rd-person RPG battle game full of butt-kicking rebels on the Blockchain.

If that ain’t exciting, I dunno what is.

So, what the heck is Neon District?

Introducing two never-before seen characters in Neon District

Neon District is a hybrid role-playing and asset collecting game set in a futuristic, tech-noir landscape.

It’s a 3rd person cyberpunk RPG where a party of characters, equipment and other assets (that live on the Blockchain) progress through various stages of exciting game-play.

The story goes a bit like this…

The Mainspring, an autocratic and mechanical government is attempting to wipe out all previous signs of culture and independent thought.

As government issued identities are mandated, those who refuse to be merged into the Mainspring’s network must go into hiding or face retribution.

These rebels, called Degens, fight back by crafting their own equipment and forming their own community dedicated to taking back control.

Unlike ‘regular asset-based games’ — assets in Neon District become MORE valuable as you play the game.

Unlike all other asset based games, assets in Neon District become more valuable as they gain experience points, take on special abilities, receive physical flaws, and add cybernetic enhancements.

The Wanderer displaying starting gear (left) and late-game powered armor and weapons (right)

These assets record their history on the Loom DAppchain indefinitely until a player decides to move the asset to the Ethereum mainnet.

Neon District’s assets use ERC721 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to provide unique, never-repeated (and individualized) assets for each player to collect, level-up, and trade.

As game play progresses, each triumph or defeat yields experience and markings that define each crypto-collectible.

New equipment can be discovered by crafting with other assets and base materials — to create rare items to be used in-game or traded on the peer-to-peer marketplace.

Introducing two never-before seen equipment assets

As characters are leveled-up and equipped with new armor and weapons, their art evolves and changes — providing each character with its own distinct abilities, fighting style, and corresponding appearance.

Neon District ain’t for the faint of heart — so, if you are easily frightened, stay away.

In your own dismal apartment in Neon District with little to your name, can you survive the hard life of a Degen?

Will you rise in the ranks and learn to defeat the Mainspring’s Operatives or fail to be anything other than a minion for the master plan?

Only time will tell — and time is not your most abundant resource right now.


Why is Neon District using Loom’s SDK?

You might be wondering — why is a game like Neon District using Loom’s SDK?

It’s a great question.

Here are some of the most obvious reasons:

  • Cheap and Fast: Neon District uses Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) at its core, and Loom DAppchains support NFT transactions at lightning speeds without charging per transaction.
  • Unparalleled Security: Loom’s Plasma Cash implementation secures these game assets on Ethereum’s mainnet. Plasma Cash also secures any game-asset trades as if it’s on the Ethereum mainnet, but with less fees per transaction.
  • Proof of Play: DAppchains are full featured blockchains at their core that uses Delegated Proof of Stake (dPoS) so all wins/losses, quests, raids, are stored on the DAppchain without costing Ether (i.e: cash money)

How’s that?

I’d say that’s a damn good list of reasons for using Loom’s SDK.

There’s obviously a lot more interesting reasons that I can’t disclose yet…

As we approach the upcoming public release of our beta SDK (scheduled for June 2018) — we will be on-boarding even more developers and projects that are in need of building scalable, decentralized DApps.

Remember that Blockchain games are about to take over the globe and games like Neon District and Pixie Shopping Street are some of the earliest projects to run entirely on the Blockchain.

So, in a couple of years, when everyone is telling you about how Blockchain Games are “getting huuuge” — you can give them a smirk knowing that you were way ahead of the masses.

Loom Network is the multichain interop platform for scaling high-performance dapps — already live in production, audited, and battle-tested.

Deploy your dapp to Loom’s Basechain once and reach the widest possible user base across all major blockchains today.

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Loom Network

Autodidact, technopagan, and marketing spellbinder, harnessing the arcane arts to captivate, mesmerize, and mold the zeitgeist for the highest bidder 🔮