Loose Words Letter #72


Jonathan Greene
Loose Words


3 min readDec 30, 2021


Photo by Jonas Allert on Unsplash

Welcome to the weekly newsletter from Loose Words. These letters go out every Thursday and highlight many of our published poems from the past week. Loose Words is a poetry publication brought to you by Assemblage to capture disconnected thoughts and let them find their form.

“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.” — J. B. Priestley

Each week, we will post a few lines from each featured poem (all friend links so anyone can read them) to give you a preview of the whole. We encourage you to read the full version by clicking in and taking that minute. A one-minute read could change your day.

Featured Poet

Each week we feature one of our contributing poets at Loose Words on our homepage and in this letter. This week it is Aspen Blue. Aspen is a writer, poet, scientist, educator, humanist, and autist.

Featured Poet: Aspen Blue


Collections are groupings of poems with an overall theme. You can find Collections on the homepage underneath the Featured Poems, Notes From the Editor, and Featured Poet sections.

Development features 5 poems from 5 different poets from our archives. This section is a great way to get acquainted with multiple works around one theme, as well as to find poets you haven’t read before, or ones you shouldn’t miss.

Development features loose words from Jonathan Greene, Kyla Sawyer, Amy Rose, T.S. Narkissa Luna, and Pamela J. Nikodem, MSED.

Collection: Development

Selected Loose Words From Last Week

Obsidian by Trapper Markelz

“The pens do not remember my mistakes.
I’m forgettable, like the mid-air collision

of two honeybees trying to find the nest.
Even a quantum wave waltz is uncertain”

Widen Your Relationship with Light by Deborah McNamara

“We are a long way
from fiery origins.
This body:
ancestor to stars
attracted by gravity”

I Hope “And” Is Your New Favorite Word by Megan Minutillo

“May you realize that you don’t always have to pick one,
that you don’t always have to choose,
that life is not an either/or situation.”

Photo by TOMOKO UJI on Unsplash

“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” — Mary Pickford

The new year is here. These past couple of years were rough, but we don’t have to stay down.



Jonathan Greene
Loose Words

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com